New AMD 64 - $208 (OEM) to $240 dollars (retail)

Chanimal wrote on 12/21/2003, 7:52 PM
It looks like AMD shipped an AMD 64 chip with 512 instead of 1 Gig cache for almost 1/2 the price. I read a review that showed that it was almost identical to the full $400 AMD 64 chip. The only area which showed much difference was in games.

An excuse to pick up the latest 64bit mobo and take this puppy for a ride. It is priced about the same as an Athlon 3000 XP, but the potential (with 64 bit) is greater as apps and Windows 64 take advantage of it.

I can't find the review again (it was only released last week), but the home page of (on the left) shows it. Also at

Ted Finch

Windows 11 Pro, i9 (10850k - 20 logical cores), Corsair water-cooled, MSI Gaming Plus motherboard, 64 GB Corsair RAM, 4 Samsung Pro SSD drives (1 GB, 2 GB, 2 GB and 4 GB), AMD video Radeo RX 580, 4 Dell HD monitors.Canon 80d DSL camera with Rhode mic, Zoom H4 mic. Vegas Pro 21 Edit (user since Vegas 2.0), Camtasia (latest), JumpBacks, etc.


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