New Blue free effects is crashing on startup

SecondWind-SK wrote on 11/18/2021, 5:13 PM

I'm still on Vegas 14. I have retired from video production, so I use Vegas only occasionally. For some time now when I launch Vegas I get a screen from New Blue that suggests it can't do what it wants. And I cannot make the failure screen go away. It does not show up in Task Manager. Can someone help me get rid of New Blue?


jetdv wrote on 11/19/2021, 7:38 AM

@SecondWind-SK, first of all, this is not a scripting question...

I'd be interested in seeing the screen you are seeing if you could post a screenshot.

You can also easily get rid of everything NewBlue by deleting the following folder:

c:\Program Files\Common Files\OFX\Plugins\NewBlueFX

You can choose which packages to remove by going inside the above folder and picking individual products from there.

However, there is no reason you should be getting an error in VEGAS Pro 14.

TM wrote on 2/22/2022, 6:03 PM

Thanks @jetdv. Can I piggyback on this issue? I'm running 19 on a machine that has had Vegas versions all the way back to 13. I'm trying to make sense out of what specific NewBlueFX plugins are running when 19 loads as it seems some are missing or not showing up correctly in the FX browser (Names and filters do not line up) I see the common folder you mention above with the NewBlueFX bundles, but I also see a NewBlueFX folder in Programs. Is there any way to get an overview of the plugins/OFX files Vegas is using? Kind of like a VST manager view? Thank you.

jetdv wrote on 2/22/2022, 6:08 PM

@TM, everything under c:\Program Files\Common Files\OFX\Plugins\NewBlueFX should be available in VEGAS. You can also go to the VideoFX tab in VEGAS, go to the "3rd party" tab, and then select individual packages on that tab from the upper right-hand corner.