New PC advice


RickZ wrote on 3/3/2004, 5:09 AM
Surely Sony engineers could spec out a PC for audio/video purposes, and tweak XP for us, to make these now-Sony apps run real well.

I wonder how we could get such a request onto their list of things to do . . ?

Just a thought . .
Rick Z
drbam wrote on 3/3/2004, 6:15 AM
>>Surely Sony engineers could spec out a PC for audio/video purposes, and tweak XP for us, to make these now-Sony apps run real well.
I wonder how we could get such a request onto their list of things to do . . ?<<

Perhaps they will just post "ideal" examples of both AMD and Pentium systems on the forum. However, its my understanding that they cannot "endorse" certain brands so this could be sticky for them. I'd REALLY be interested in what they would recommend though. Since I use only Sony apps, I'd be inclined to adjust/build my system accordingly.

PipelineAudio wrote on 3/3/2004, 9:08 AM
There is NO HOPE that any reccomended system could handle any and all plugins, but thats a small price to pay, I'd sure like to see the system theyd spec!
Rednroll wrote on 3/3/2004, 1:20 PM
I'ld rather have them make a list of known hardware that causes issues with a discription of the problem they've seen and a driver version. This would be a whole lot easier, since I'm sure their QA department has to work through hardware problems day in and day out. That way you could look at what hardware you have, do a search on that particular hardware and see if other users have seen the same problem. I'm getting ready to put together a new DAW, and would love to know what to avoid, rather than a suggestion of what to buy and has been tested to work. Because, yes maybe that system works, that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to fit my application of how I need to use my system. I know for the type of work I want to do, the exact type of things I need to get my work done. If my application says, I want a PC that has dual monitor support, that allows me to import/export video via firewire, then I don't want to look at one PC that has a dual video card and have to buy that exact system, where it may not meet my needs on audio card I/O. I want to know, which dual monitor video cards have been known to cause problems.
whr wrote on 3/4/2004, 10:35 AM
I agree with you rednroll. I am getting ready to put out big bucks and the last thing I need is to end up with troublesome hardware. I work primarily with audio but am getting more and more into video.

can anyone tell me what kind of luck I will have with ASUS KV8 K8T800 SK 754 with AMD 64 3400+

Also Matrox PHA128R Video card

IS anyone haveing any trouble with SATA? (no raid)

Has anyone compared Plextor 708A to Sony DRU series DVD burners?

Suggestions appreciated