- New Stonefield Video -

Stonefield wrote on 9/8/2006, 4:41 PM
Hey guys,

It's been too long since I've shared some work, and now's the time because I've actually done a lot of shooting this summer for the Dorinha Jeans Wear Company. I'm doing a series of promo videos for their website (dorinhawear.com) and just starting on this years batch of videos.

I'd like to introduce Shae, an absolutley stunning girl who'd looks are only surpassed by her total sweetheart of a personality. I was shooting during the photo shoots for the webpage and I must say, Shae was a dream to work with. Always very accomodating to the video camera and always willing to give that extra "look" in my direction when I'm filming. There's lot's of footage of her so there might be an additional video of her in the future.

Filming again was done on my Canon Elura first generation in progressive scan mode. Footage captured and edited with Vegas 5. Soundtrack by me using Acid 4. Opening titles done in After Effects.

I specifically shot most of this with the "blue" look in mind. Provided by the color gradient filter. I wanted the feel and vibe of an actual blue jeans commercial and feel that I may have come close to it. Lot's of work here behind camera getting those camera pans across her with the background soaring by. Once again, Shae knew what I was doing and helped those shot with a very intense ( and sexy ) stare.

Comments as always, welcome....

Stan Howard
Stonefield Media



dibbkd wrote on 9/8/2006, 6:48 PM
Link's working for me now..

And yes, very nice.
Coursedesign wrote on 9/8/2006, 7:59 PM
Worked great for me.

...and I could see why you put this in the "/assets" folder.

Very nice work and a very nice young lady!
Chanimal wrote on 9/8/2006, 9:20 PM
Like always, I love your work. Great pacing, smooth flow, good editing and always artistic.

Thanks for sharing this Stan

Ted Finch

Windows 11 Pro, i9 (10850k - 20 logical cores), Corsair water-cooled, MSI Gaming Plus motherboard, 64 GB Corsair RAM, 4 Samsung Pro SSD drives (1 GB, 2 GB, 2 GB and 4 GB), AMD video Radeo RX 580, 4 Dell HD monitors.Canon 80d DSL camera with Rhode mic, Zoom H4 mic. Vegas Pro 21 Edit (user since Vegas 2.0), Camtasia (latest), JumpBacks, etc.

epirb wrote on 9/9/2006, 5:52 AM
Great work as always Stan, any chance you could send me the .veg file? I always like to study your use of filters etc. I'll throw some blank media in there and can just reference the effects to the time on your .wmv file you have posted.

In Vic Milts light it right DVD he reccomends studying the masters, so I do...
stepfour wrote on 9/10/2006, 10:32 AM
Awesome commercial. Thanks for sharing it. Great camera work and use of motion and blurring. I have seen all of yours that you have posted here and this one is now my new favorite. I also like the blue tones to fit the ad hook. Speaking of blue, Shae, from the first sweet smile to the sultry stroll is blue hot, if I might venture that far. Wow, what a camera-friendly female. Sophisticated and pretty, but also a bonafide babe. I guess I should limit comments to the editing, but in this case.......
Stonefield wrote on 9/11/2006, 1:16 AM
I don't mind the comments about the girls at all. As long as they're polite and the guys here in the Vegas forum have always been respectful to the girls I work with.

More to come....( wait till ya see Brooke !!! )
craftech wrote on 9/11/2006, 4:57 AM

Great work as always.
When you die you are going to need a coffin with an extra section near the "lower third".

autopilot wrote on 9/11/2006, 2:02 PM
Nice genes, I mean, uh, jeans. =)
Stonefield wrote on 9/11/2006, 2:15 PM
Extra section ???

LOL, sounds funny but ya totally lost me on that one......anyone wanna 'splain that one to me......heh..

stepfour wrote on 9/11/2006, 11:29 PM
I continue to be amazed at what you get done with your little Canon Elura. Great camera technique. How do you get the zooms and quick panning shots done? Are you moving the camera or using a combination of camera movement and zoom control on the camera or do you touch the camera zoom rocker at all in your shooting sessions? Anyhow, the true progressive shooting mode on the Elura seems to fit perfectly with the very effective and edgy motion that all of your pieces have. If you ever go HD, Canon does have an Elura lookalike in their new HV10, but I don't think it shoots progressive so it will likely not fit into your arsenal.