Thanks for the heads up. Just watched this tutorial and I must say it's impressive. I really like that it works as a native plugin in Vegas for instant feedback to my monitor. How is the render quality?
For me? I find the "One-Stop-Shop" appealing, but the MaskShaping+SkinTones+Primary ColCor and locking off areas that shouldn't be touched. Yes all this could be done with EXTRA tracks and FXing and . . . . time consuming Vegas-Work, and while I'm doing the drudgery I'd wouldn't have a clue as to what I would want something to look like! ColorFast is well . . er . . F-A-S-T ! !
Our 3rd Party Partners are getting Vegas to become more and more intuitive to use.
that does look handy and quick. NewblueFX have impressed me so far. got the freebies from Movie Studio, and Essentials III when available. All seemed usable and solid.
Also check out Magic Bullet Movie Looks free on the Vegas download area. Faster, but zero adjustments other than %mix
Ok they got me... just ordered it. I've never been a huge fan of NewBlue because I felt like many of their tools were just repeats of what's already in Vegas but this plugin with the masking capabilities is what I've been waiting for.
They also include a non OFX version if you prefer an alternative interface which is nice.
Unless anyone can tell me how to achieve the same result as their Brightness control with one tool in Vegas, I'll buy it just for that. Vegas' pedestal/gain/gamma holdover from CCUs of the past isn't what most people want in a color correction plug. When I think of how many keystrokes a day I can save with the ability to hold pedestal and stretch gain with one tool - that's a few extra carpal tunnel-free years.
Bob, Color Curves are the tool I generally use to accomplish this, and almost always in conjunction with the color correction plug. I'll continue to use this because of the variable control it gives over the curve, but many times I want to just correct for an exposure change during a shot, or mimic opening my camera up one stop.
For my camera, which shoots 16-255 levels, the Colorfast brightness control is almost a perfect duplicate in levels of an iris adjustment. It takes a bit of manipulation of the bezier handles in CC to get the same result.
welp... color fast looked useful and handy, but it seemed I get most of that through the Vegas plugs already. Was interesting to mess with and seemed like a great deal for those interested.
I did buy it, and will probably use it frequently for actual "correction" rather than grading. It seems a much more efficient tool for "fixing" than my usual string of Vegas plugins. Resolve is still my go-to for grading, but for my many run-and-gun industrial shoots I think I'll be using this a lot.
And since Bob brought up Color Curves, it reminded me of the one feature that would make Vegas' (or any third party plug in) color corrector a true grading tool - separate pedestal/gain/gamma controls for each color channel. You have this ability in Color Curves, with a higher degree of precision, but in the speed department that's what sets the big guns apart. It would give the ability to quickly correct clipped highlights in a single color channel - and the key to gorgeous skin tones is almost always in the blue gamma.