NewBlue Titler 3 Build 141009 working for anyone?

Kit wrote on 12/10/2014, 6:06 PM
Does anyone have this working correctly with the build 428? I'm trying to create a popup effect after 5 seconds that last for 2 seconds on a 15 second tile but it will not let me move the effect. I can make an effect longer from the right but can not shorten it from the left. I see a + sign that seems to indicate it can be dragged but it won't move. I've tried adding keyframes but they don't seem to do anything and I can see no way to delete them. The whole thing looks powerful but just doesn't seem to work as it looks like it should. Any moment now I'm expecting it to crash as it has done once all ready, and then it won't work at all without a complete reinstall again.


NormanPCN wrote on 12/10/2014, 8:32 PM
I do not see a "popup effect" in the list of effects in Titler Pro. I do see a Popup animation under transitions. Transitions only exist a the front or the middle of paragraph/event. Not in the middle. Therefore you can only drag/size one side of the transition.

To put it (popup) in the middle you can have two paragraph/events with the same text one after the other and have the popup transition at the front/end in the appropriate paragraph.

Kit wrote on 12/10/2014, 10:39 PM
Thanks, that's a big help. Yes. I called it an effect when it is a transition. I tried doing something similar to to what you described but found that the first event looped and never got to the second event.
jetdv wrote on 12/11/2014, 9:54 AM
Transitions can only be used at the beginning or ending of a paragraph.You cannot put them anywhere else. If a transition needs to be used in the middle, you will need two paragraphs where the split is in the middle where the transition needs to be.
NormanPCN wrote on 12/11/2014, 10:17 AM
Here is a screen shot of what I previously described.
Kit wrote on 12/11/2014, 6:21 PM
Thanks, that is what I tried to set up but I found when I played the result it looped before the transition and I gave up. I ended up using a Hit Film bulge effect instead. I must have done something wrong. I did have a look at the help but it read more like a commercial than help and there was no search available.