Newsletter - anyone interested?

jetdv wrote on 2/28/2003, 4:35 PM
I am contemplating starting a small newsletter centered on Vegas + DVD and would appreciate getting some feedback. You can see the proposed "First Issue" at:


Basically, the big questions are:
1) Would you find this useful?
2) Would you want to read something like this on a regular basis?
3) What should the frequency be? (I was considering monthly or biweekly - probably limited to 20 issues/yr if biweekly to allow for holidays and other unforseeable problems)
4) Would you be willing to provide suggestions and/or articles for each of the sections?
5) If necessary, would you consider paying a small fee for the newsletter to help cover the time, energy, and costs of this project?
5a) If yes, how much? (I was considering about $10/yr or $.50 per issue - assuming 20/yr)
6) If you provided an article(s) what would you consider to be fair payment - maybe free issues?
7) Is the PDF file a viable distribution method or would some other be preferred?
7a) Would a higher resolution version of the PDF be desired (the example is "screen" formatted but I can go to 600dpi)
8) Include scripting or not?
9) What other questions have I not thought of?

1) I believe Vegas is a great editor and needs something of this nature.
2) This is NOT "officially endorsed by Sonic Foundry".
3) I DID receive permission from Sonic Foundry to use the pictures and screen shots.
4) This is NOT in competition with DSE's book.

Feel free to reply here but I would like you e-mail the address on the first page of the PDF file. I welcome all comments and suggestions.


Sr_C wrote on 2/28/2003, 4:57 PM
1. yes
2. yes
3. monthly
4. absolutly
5. yes
5a. I might suggest starting off just accepting volunteered donations but make the newsletter free otherwise. Let it grow and get a solid reader base before requiring a paid subscription.
6. Unless it becomes a huge moneymaker, I wouldn't expect anything except the proper line credits. If you turn it into a million dollar corporation..well then that'ss a different story;)
7. I prefer HTML, but wouldn't really care.
7a. doesn't matter
8. yes
9. my favorite color is blue ;)

BTW...............Great Idea!!
Fotis_Greece wrote on 2/28/2003, 5:22 PM
1 yes
2 yes
3 biweekly
4 yes
5 NO
6 yes
7 yes
7a no
8 yes

bjtap wrote on 2/28/2003, 8:20 PM
Generally I would be interested and would be willing to pay a fair price.
AlexB wrote on 2/28/2003, 10:01 PM
Nice idea! And very helpful, especially the scripting hints! PDF is best format for it.
dvdfool wrote on 2/28/2003, 10:07 PM
1) Would you find this useful? -- YES
2) Would you want to read something like this on a regular basis? -- YES
3) What should the frequency be? (I was considering monthly or biweekly - probably limited to 20 issues/yr if biweekly to allow for holidays and other unforseeable problems) -- EITHER
4) Would you be willing to provide suggestions and/or articles for each of the sections? SURE
5) If necessary, would you consider paying a small fee for the newsletter to help cover the time, energy, and costs of this project? -- YES
5a) If yes, how much? (I was considering about $10/yr or $.50 per issue - assuming 20/yr) -- $10 SEEMS FAIR
6) If you provided an article(s) what would you consider to be fair payment - maybe free issues? -- SURE.
7) Is the PDF file a viable distribution method or would some other be preferred? -- I LIKE PDF.
7a) Would a higher resolution version of the PDF be desired (the example is "screen" formatted but I can go to 600dpi) -- SCREEN IS OK
8) Include scripting or not? SURE, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T DOMINATE
9) What other questions have I not thought of? -- NO :)
TheHappyFriar wrote on 2/28/2003, 11:43 PM
1) Would you find this useful? -- Extreamly! it'd be nide to have an orginized way of reading veas stuff (the forum is to many repeated questions)
2) Would you want to read something like this on a regular basis? -- Of course!
3) What should the frequency be? (I was considering monthly or biweekly - probably limited to 20 issues/yr if biweekly to allow for holidays and other unforseeable problems) -- I'd say monthly for a "bigger" one, maybe bi-weekly if people (or you) prefer a small one. Maybe it would depend on how much is in there.
4) Would you be willing to provide suggestions and/or articles for each of the sections? I'd love to write articles!
5) If necessary, would you consider paying a small fee for the newsletter to help cover the time, energy, and costs of this project? -- Depends on how small.
5a) If yes, how much? (I was considering about $10/yr or $.50 per issue - assuming 20/yr) -- $10-15 seems good. How would we pay though (paypal?)
6) If you provided an article(s) what would you consider to be fair payment - maybe free issues? -- No. I'd say articles are on a volentire basis. Just give credit.
7) Is the PDF file a viable distribution method or would some other be preferred? -- PDF is good because I can save the old ones. :)
7a) Would a higher resolution version of the PDF be desired (the example is "screen" formatted but I can go to 600dpi) -- still downloading, but I think the screen size would be good.
8) Include scripting or not? Anything that has anything to do with vegas woud be a must (including scripting, plugins, tutorials, reviews, etc)
9) What other questions have I not thought of? -- Yes. How many pages should it be? Color or just BW (for size).