No Audio

busterandbabbles wrote on 10/27/2008, 3:41 PM
i have been using cd architect for about a year w/o problems. i saved a project the other day, came back to it next day and have no audio going to my speakers (all other programs including soundforge are fine). the mixer and master show good signal.

i'm sure this is something simple but cant figure what. can anyone help here?


Geoff_Wood wrote on 10/28/2008, 2:59 AM
Have you gone to Options | Preferences | Preview, and checked the Audio Device that is selected ? CDA will not talk to an ASIO driver.

This ( or a differnt device) could also be selected in Windows on Control Panel Sounds And Audio Devices , or muted in the mixer applet.

busterandbabbles wrote on 10/28/2008, 7:37 AM
thx geoff. first two items check out ok...but what/where is the mute in the mixer applet???
Geoff_Wood wrote on 10/28/2008, 1:56 PM
Little speaker (or whatever) icon in the System Tray bottom right. Depends on the audio interface - it may be simple, or having one control everything, or separated out into Wav, Line Out, Midi, SPDIF, etc.

What soundcard is it ?

Also accessable from Control Panel Sounds... General , Advanced. Also "place icon on taskbar)"
busterandbabbles wrote on 10/28/2008, 2:56 PM
using an RME 800 fireface. nothing muted that i can find.
under preferences>preview:
Audio Device Type = Windows Classic Wave Driver
Default Audio Playback Device = Fireface 800 Analog (1+2) MME
as before, soundforge 9 working fine (i.e. audio good).

getting no signal on the preview meters but normal on the master meters
busterandbabbles wrote on 10/31/2008, 11:24 AM
for the record, after asking this forum and sony help, i did a clean reinstall and the problem is gone.