when i add my cd text and isrc code to cd. i get no audio on the dics. the only way i can get audio to disc is if i leave out the isrc codes. why's this . and suggestions. thanks
I'm having the same problem. I just posted about it in the 5.2d thread. Apparently we're doing something wrong. It's cool to see that someone else is having the same problem though.
Had another thought... could it be a copy protection issue? I swear that I tried burning with that unchecked once though and the problem still existed.
Ok... Thinking. Let's assume for the minute, that 5.2d is working (I'm not saying it is for everybody, but lets look at alternatives first).
THis leaves either the CD itself (the disc), or the burner.
Try a different brand disc for a test - I can't see this making a difference, but for the sake of trying, it's worth eliminating it.
Secondly, any firmware update on the burner that can be applied?
Is it possible to borrow and test a different burner? - either borrowing an external USB one, or another system one and trying that?
Also, there is no master effects, nor any master volume fader set to zero is there?
You could upload your CDA project (not including the audio!) and we could look between us incase there is something else that's perhaps so obvious no-one has thought of it.