Normalize going CRAZY. Anybody have solution?


Chienworks wrote on 9/20/2002, 8:00 PM
An experiment springs to mind, if you're willing to spend a bit of time trying something ...

Load that troublesome sound clip and Split it into two roughly equal halves, normalize each half. Does one half work and the other half flatline? If so, delete the half that works, turn of normalizing, split the remaining half into two sections, normalize both, etc ... If you see that a smaller and smaller piece of the clip is causing the problem while the rest works, i would guess there's a bit of data in that small section that the normalize function is having trouble with. If you get this down to a very short sample, open the clip in SoundForge, copy & paste that section (probably at least a full second on either side) into a new file. SonicFoundry's Dr. Dropout would probably be interested in examining it closely.
SonyEPM wrote on 9/23/2002, 8:23 AM
take the problem clip, trim the right edge in a little, then back out, toggle normalize off/on- still flatlined?
wcoxe1 wrote on 9/23/2002, 7:10 PM
What do you mean by "back out?"
SonyEPM wrote on 9/24/2002, 4:23 PM
What do you mean by "back out?"

Drag the right edge of the problem event to the left, then drag it back to the right to the original position, the un-normalize/re-normalize. Still happening yes/no?

wcoxe1 wrote on 9/25/2002, 12:18 PM
Interesting, I can't get the single clip to fail NORMALIZE today.

HOWEVER, if I pull ANY captured clips, from my most recent, recent or old captures, into a brand new, clean timeline, such that AT LEAST TWO of them go off the screen on the right, then I can consistently produce a flat line. It always starts with the first one completely off the screen on the right, but for some reason, if there isn't another second one (or more) behind it on the right, it will not flatline.

Very odd.

There is NOTHING else on the timeline, I am using VV 3.0c bld 138.