OT: Band Promo Video Ideal Length

goshep wrote on 8/4/2011, 6:55 AM
Hi all,

I'm putting together a video montage as part of a media kit for a band. They requested a five minute video to promote the band and hopefully sign-on to some local venues. I've never done something like this but five minutes seems too long considering the following:

All the footage I have to work with is from one gig and shot from one static camera
A montage as part of a media kit seems to me to be more of a one to two minute project

Can anyone offer some suggestions? I have photos of the band as well but they too are mostly from the same gig. I'm also wondering about how to present contact information. Perhaps a crawl at the bottom of the screen throughout the video or save it for the end?

Thanks for anything you can offer...


Jay Gladwell wrote on 8/4/2011, 7:15 AM

You're right, five minutes is too long. There is no set "ideal length."

It shouldn't take any longer than it takes to tell their story. Look at how much information can be delivered in a 30-second TV spot.

goshep wrote on 8/4/2011, 11:48 AM
Thank you Jay.
Steve Mann wrote on 8/4/2011, 3:10 PM
Print photos and screenshots and ask the band members to give you the narration - tell their story. I'll bet they finish in less than five-minutes.
goshep wrote on 8/5/2011, 6:57 AM
Interesting idea Steve. I'm going to bounce this off the band members. Thank you.