
ushere wrote on 5/25/2010, 6:16 AM
i suppose it's that time ;-)

good luck, we'll put the kettle on for your speedy return....
Ecquillii wrote on 5/25/2010, 1:59 PM

Wishing you restorative health. May you mend seamlessly.


Desktop:ASUS M32CD

Version of Vegas: VEGAS Pro Version 20.0 (Build 370)
Windows Version: Windows 10 Home (x64) Version 21H2 (build 19044.2846)
Cameras: Canon T2i (MOV), Sony HDR-CX405 (MP4), Lumia 950XL, Samsung A8, Panasonic HC-V785 (MP4)
Delivery Destination: YouTube, USB Drive, DVD/BD

Processor: 3.40 gigahertz Intel Core i7-6700
RAM: 16 Gigabytes
Graphics Card 1: AMD Radeon R9 370; Driver Version: 15.200.1065.0
Graphics Card 2: Intel HD Graphics 530; Driver Version:
GPU acceleration of video processing: Optimal - AMD Radeon R9 370
Enable Hardware Decoding for supported formats: 'Enable legacy AVC' is off; 'Enable legacy HEVC' is on
Hardware Decoder to Use: Auto (Off)

Grazie wrote on 5/25/2010, 2:09 PM
A speedy recovery Earl, and looking forward to your cheerful "sig" appearing again - soon huh?

John_Cline wrote on 5/25/2010, 2:27 PM
Earl, I'd say "break a leg" but then that would be two medical issues with which to deal. Here's hoping everything goes smoothly!
Alvin Smith wrote on 5/25/2010, 2:43 PM

... I think we might be able to sneak a 3 monitor edit rig, into the hospital

... May God heal you and return you to us.

= our prayer =
gpsmikey wrote on 5/25/2010, 3:21 PM
Good luck Earl - take notes - a lot of us probably are not far behind :-(

mikey (who is turning 60)
rs170a wrote on 5/25/2010, 3:29 PM
Earl, I have faith that you'll be back here before you know it.
I have two good friends who both had a triple bypass when they were in their early 60's.
There was a recovery time of course but within a year or so they were both back doing everything that they used to do before the surgery (and they were both pretty active which I'm sure helped a lot).

(turning 59 this year)
Tom Pauncz wrote on 5/25/2010, 6:26 PM
Speedy recovery Earl - for when you get to read all the good wishes! :-)
PeterWright wrote on 5/25/2010, 7:14 PM
Good luck Earl - look forward to seeing you back here ...
Earl_J wrote on 6/13/2010, 12:06 AM
Gee whiz, you guys,
it touched my soul to see I have my own thread here...
I am grateful that with all the other, more pressing matters of the day, that so many of you took the time to post a note for my surgery and speedy recovery... please forgive me for not responding earlier.
* * *
The surgery went very well; I was home on SUN, 30 MAY... stopped taking the pain medication on TUE, 1 JUN ... and have been improving daily since that time. Some parts are still numb from the surgery (right side of the chest), otherwise, fully functional at this time. I still need assistance for some things since I can't use my arms for lifting, pushing, or pulling myself around just yet, but otherwise, I'm up and around. Took my first unassisted shower today - that was a good accomplishment - I'm not supposed to lift my arms over my head for long periods of time, but washing my hair and drying myself off after a shower are acceptable.
I go in to see the surgeon on MON, 14 JUN, and will bring back a full report from him that evening.

Thank you very much for your support, kind words, good karma, well-wishes, and prayers...
y'all are the greatest. . .

God has a plan for each of us - His plan for me didn't include calling me home just yet ... (grin)
* * *
One final note:
I really came looking for the discussion that took place not long ago where one of the Vegas guys (I thought it was Lars...perhaps not) moved to FCP for a year and came back with a great testimonial about his experience. I have a friend in Florida who is contemplating the same move. I'd like to share the thread with him in order to give him a good look at the problems he might expect during such a move... and perhaps convince him not to abandon Vegas so dismissively... thanks.
Found it: mtntvguy was the one who created the thread after his year-long ordeal with FCP... now to share it ... I guess I can capture it; pdf it; and attach it ... we'll see.
* * *
Back MON with a better report from the surgeon...

Until that time... Earl J.

John_Cline wrote on 6/13/2010, 12:26 AM
Earl, glad to see you back on the other side of your surgery!
ushere wrote on 6/13/2010, 1:09 AM
another too.

put on your swimmers and dive back..... the mental exercise will do you too.
farss wrote on 6/13/2010, 1:44 AM
Glad to hear you made it OK and are recovering quickly.
Of course you deserve your own thread, we've got to look after one another.

Grazie wrote on 6/13/2010, 2:19 AM
Good MAN! - Real glad to see you back - and back in your own home and doing "Earl-Stuff"!


. . .
TeetimeNC wrote on 6/13/2010, 3:47 AM
Earl, I was off to the beach and without computer for two weeks and just saw this thread. I didn't realize you had this surgery but am very pleased to hear it went so well. I hope your recovery plans will include a trip up to Raleigh for another visit with the Vegas User Group! Or perhaps you can host one down your way?

I'll send out a note the the rest of the VUGer's today to let them know about you!

gpsmikey wrote on 6/13/2010, 10:46 AM
Glad to see you made it through - good for another 50 years !!

Earl_J wrote on 6/13/2010, 10:48 AM
Well, everyone ...
your support is overwhelming ...
* * *
Jerry, my daughter is taking a job up in Raleigh and will have an apartment there - so perhaps I can make the meetups there with the VUG and not have to fear the long drive home... I'll spend the night with the daughter and then drive back at my leisure on FRI...
* * *
I'll have a more complete report tomorrow after the meet with the surgeon.

Y'all are the greatest...

Until that time ... Earl J.
i c e wrote on 6/13/2010, 12:28 PM
Hey, hope your recovery continues to go well man.

Take care,

May God bless you.

megabit wrote on 6/13/2010, 12:39 PM
Like everyone else here, I'm keeping fingers crossed for your speedy recovery.


AMD TR 2990WX CPU | MSI X399 CARBON AC | 64GB RAM@XMP2933  | 2x RTX 2080Ti GPU | 4x 3TB WD Black RAID0 media drive | 3x 1TB NVMe RAID0 cache drive | SSD SATA system drive | AX1600i PSU | Decklink 12G Extreme | Samsung UHD reference monitor (calibrated)

Earl_J wrote on 6/15/2010, 7:58 AM
Hello everyone,
my recovery continues to go well... I had an appt with the surgeon yesterday... I saw the PA instead; I guess I'll never see the surgeon again - unless something goes very very wrong... (wink).
There is a bit of swelling and inflammation on the left leg, so I have 5 days of antibiotics to consume to see how that helps the leg.
Otherwise, more of the same... don't strain or use my arms for any pulling, pushing, or lifting... keep taking my meds (mostly vitamins and fish oil)...
Thanks for all the concern, well-wishes, and prayers... they are all working for me very well.
I'm returning them with my own prayers for all of you to never have to endure this sort of thing in your own lives - and that God bless all of you with good health, good friends, and good clean fun!
* * *
I would have written yesterday, but was distracted by the World Cup matches - the Blue Samurai of Japan pulled a Pearl Harbor on Cameroon and pretty much surprised the entire FIFA kingdom by winning their match ... I'm hoping the Portuguese can pull off a bit of an upset themselves by downing the Ivory Coast... we'll see...
* * *
Thanks again to all of you... until that time... Earl J.

rs170a wrote on 6/15/2010, 8:28 AM
Earl, glad to hear that you're up and moving around once again.
Proof positive that you can't keep a good man down :-)

plasmavideo wrote on 6/15/2010, 2:35 PM
Best wishes, Earl.

My father in law (mid 80s) had it done in February, and after a recoup period with some ups and downs, he's getting very feisty again and planning some long trips. Every day that goes by he gets a bit more active, and feeling more like his old (a few years back) self again.

Hang in there and stick with the rehab! I had a boss back in the 1980s who had it done, and about a year afterwards he could walk me under the table. He said he felt 30 years old again.
