I don't see solid state cards replacing Blu-ray soon. You can store 50GB on a Blu-ray discs and cards that can store 50GB are still fairly expensive. It will come, just not very soon.
I buy Blu-ray discs mainly at Amazon and Costco and they average around $20, not that much more expensive than DVD and a decent value considering the vastly better image and audio quality of Blu-ray and generally more additional content. I paid a lot more than $20 for DVDs when they first came out.
A higher end Canopus with time base corrector could be better if your tapes are old and wobbly, but the output will be 4:1:1 NTSC, which when rendered to 4:2:0 MPEG-2 for DVD becomes 4:1:0.
I currently have an ADVC-700. I have been considering the Pegasus card. I wish I knew someone who had one.
I also have an Edirol VMC-1 I have been using for TBC and soft cleanup.