[OT] found an old test/demo tape reel ...

Chienworks wrote on 5/1/2016, 9:43 PM
What a find! Looking through a box of tapes from the music teacher at my school, one of them appears to be a test or demo tape from "The Magnetic Tape Division of Burgess Battery Company". Guessing from the concert dates on the other tapes, this is probably from the early 1960's. Presented here unedited, straight off the reel, although i did a little touch of noise reduction to reduce the hiss. Side 2 is really a hoot!

http://www.kellychien.com/burgess/burgess_magnetic_tape_test-demo_side-1.mp3 (about 30 minutes)

http://www.kellychien.com/burgess/burgess_magnetic_tape_test-demo_side-2.mp3 (about 20 minutes)

The format is 1/4" half-track mono. Side 1 was recorded at 7.5ips and side 2 at 3.75ips. Played on my Pioneer RT-707 and captured through an M-Audio Transit.



Logan5 wrote on 5/2/2016, 10:46 AM
You can hear the VO talent delivery style for that time period. Just like you can hear 1020's delivery style that is more obvious. In another 10-20 years people will hear that and wonder why they sounded that way.
SecondWind-SK wrote on 5/2/2016, 1:58 PM
This was not only the voice style for VOs, but also for radio drama and movie actors. Think about all those old detective shows. It was a common affectation to assume a semblance of a highbrow British accent somewhat Americanized. Katherine Hepburn's delivery is typical. Many called it English Mid-Atlantic meaning it wasn't British and it wasn't American but somewhere in between.
SecondWind-SK wrote on 5/2/2016, 2:16 PM
Well, I've now listened to the tape. My earlier post, while generally accurate, really doesn't apply to this tape. This narration style is typical of many educational narrations of the late 50s to the middle 60s. I remember the first narration I did for Encyclopedia Britannica Films about 1965. The director asked me to slow down and watch the precision of the pronunciation. I think that their concern was two-fold; much of their distribution of educational material at this time was on 16 millimeter with an optical track played on not very good projectors, and they had a large foreign market of persons whose first language was not English. Only a few years later in the late 60s to early 70s the big deep voiced announcers on radio and TV commercials became passe. The new style was much more natural, more man or woman next door type. Which turned out great for me; I have been able to avoid having a real job by free-lancing doing VOs from then 'til today.. Along with my corporate video work, using Vegas, of course.