OT: Free Boris Continuum Glitters Unit

rs170a wrote on 12/21/2010, 6:30 PM
I'm on the Boris mailing list and this was in an email I got today.
I trust it will come in handy for those of you using the product.


1. Visit the Boris FX Facebook Page and press the "Like" button by December 31, 2010.

2. You will receive a Facebook "Update" on January 3rd with a free Boris Continuum Glitters Unit download link.

A $99 value, the Boris Continuum Glitters Unit includes OpenGL hardware-accelerated effects filters that will generate glittering sparkles and specular highlight effects, ray bursts, and sharp catchlight reflections. Parameter controls include brightness, scale, color, and the number of rays that each filter emits. The Glint and Glare filters automatically animate to match the luma values of the input clip, while the Glitter filter is conveniently set by default to automatically animate along a transparent horizontal path with glitters that flash on and off over time. Dozens of animated and static preset effects are included with these filters; however, you have full control to develop the customized look that is perfect for your video project.


liquid wrote on 12/21/2010, 8:42 PM
Ya, but will it make Vegas pro 10 crash? Actually, I probably got the same e-mail as you today but didn't bother reading it as my understanding of the situation with Boris in the new version of Vegas is that it doesn't work properly. I've heard this from others and experienced myself using their demo.
I checked out the Facebook page and there are many posts inferring their support for Vegas 10. This seems out of touch considering many people are having problems with it.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/22/2010, 3:32 AM
> Ya, but will it make Vegas pro 10 crash? Actually, I probably got the same e-mail as you today but didn't bother reading it as my understanding of the situation with Boris in the new version of Vegas is that it doesn't work properly.

That's not quite true. All OpenFX plug-ins (including the ones from NewBlue FX) were having stability problems and Sony is actively fixing them. This is not unique to Boris FX. The latest versions (7.0.4) are very stable. If you don't believe me, take a look at my training videos on Boris TV. Obviously, these were all done with BCC7 and Vegas Pro 10 and you can probably tell that they are one continuous shot with no breaks and no crashing.

IMHO, BCC7 is the greatest thing to happen to Vegas Pro period! I find myself not going to After Effects anymore which says a lot. I can do all of my motion tracking right in Vegas. This is huge for Vegas users.

liquid wrote on 12/22/2010, 6:16 AM
That's very interesting; however, I can't use Boris on my system for more than a few minutes without a catastrophic crash. And I've heard the situation is the same for others, so that makes me wonder by what magic do you make it work?
I agree with you though, Boris does seem like a godsend, and if Vegas had been totally stable using Boris I'd had forked out the money for it without hesitations especially considering that there aren't many competing products that are as powerful.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/22/2010, 6:27 AM
> ...so that makes me wonder by what magic do you make it work?

I am using BCC 7.0.4. This was just released Monday so if you haven't tried it then you should download the trial again and see if it's more stable for you.

farss wrote on 12/22/2010, 7:03 AM
"IMHO, BCC7 is the greatest thing to happen to Vegas Pro period!"

Sorry JR but I have to disagree. Watching your tutorial had me (again) shaking my head and being thankfull I have AE so I don't have to endure the painful Vegas UI, the same one that's forced Boris to do so much shoe horning to get their plugins to work inside of Vegas.
Having to use a widget inside the plugin to position the trackers is just wrong. The user should be able to grab them with their mouse to move them around. We also need to be able to enlarge the preview window so we can see what we're doing or at the very least make it pannable. Vegas needs a unified work area before it can be taken as a serious compositing app. I guess a unified plugin interface wouldn't be such a bad thing either.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/22/2010, 7:16 AM
> Having to use a widget inside the plugin to position the trackers is just wrong. The user should be able to grab them with their mouse to move them around.

I agree with you on that one. It is painful when compared to AE and even Premiere Pro with BCC7. I guess now Sony needs to start thinking about how adding OpenFX support has changed the way Vegas is being used and hopefully they will enhance the preview window to add these interactive features.

> We also need to be able to enlarge the preview window so we can see what we're doing or at the very least make it pannable.

Agreed and this seems to be a simple fix. All Sony needs to do is add scroll bars to the preview window if you set the preview to "full" and the window is smaller than full resolution. A preview zoom feature would also be nice.

Hey, at least we now have all this new functionality. It just needs to be better integrated by Sony. These are exciting times for Vegas editors.

RRA wrote on 12/22/2010, 8:09 AM

I hope, that SCS will choose the way to implement quite new (third beside preview and trimmer) independent interactive window. I would be the simplest way, not disrupting innovation for usual workflow.

I'm quite sure, that jump to new technologies (OpenFX) was right choice. A lot of things (KSF in my job) is posible now. It's normal, that we can expect more tranquil period, connected with improvements, facilities, interactivity, doubled precission etc. Looking on cooperation between SCS and plugin suppliers I'm well thinking.

PS. I'm very interested about ScatterShot 3D. I'm not sure, but you are probably trying to implement some kind of 3D composition/templates library. This subject has been discussed before. Looks very promissing. As succes factor I would see templates from 2 to 5 planes... with paralax of course ;-)

Best regards,

kkolbo wrote on 12/22/2010, 8:40 AM
I have to throw my two cents in. I am having very little difficulty with BCC. It is working well for me. As for the integration, Yes the preview window controls would be nice, but right now, using the widgets is much easier than popping out to something like AE. I think that BCC is a very significant addition to Vegas Pro. Everything can always be better, but this is a great step and very useful.

You mileage may vary.

Thanks for the videos JR.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/22/2010, 10:03 AM
> Thanks for the videos JR.

My pleasure.

Hey, Sony just released 10b! If you are using BCC7... you want to download Vegas Pro 10b. Your experience will be a lot more stable. Vegas Pro 10b and BCC7 7.0.4 is a winning combination.

Laurence wrote on 12/22/2010, 10:08 AM
I just see the 32 bit version of 10b. Hopefully the new 64bit version will be here soon as well.
rs170a wrote on 12/22/2010, 10:18 AM
Laurence, if you don't want to wait, the 64 bit version is available at http://download.sonymediasoftware.com/current/

RRA wrote on 12/22/2010, 10:46 AM

There is still no release notes for BCC7.0.4 on Boris site :-(

Best regards,
kkolbo wrote on 12/22/2010, 11:23 AM
The fixes look good. I had hoped they would fix the output of closed captions in MPEG2, but maybe another day.
Former user wrote on 1/15/2011, 6:50 PM
Sorry to revise this thread, but I just downloaded the 32 bit of Glitter and it crashes with a run time error in 10B. Is it working for anyone else.

Win 7 32bit, Vegas 10B

Dave T2
Tom Pauncz wrote on 1/15/2011, 8:25 PM
Works for me in 10.0c.