ot: hdr-fx1e e:61:10

dreamlx wrote on 7/19/2008, 8:56 AM
One of our FX1 just failed with an error e:61:10. When this error is there, focusing has lot of wired problems. Generally it happens when the FX1 is switched on and disappears if it is switched off and on a few times. Anyone had a similiar problem ? I think the best would be to bring it to the Sony service center.

Thanks in advance
David Arendt


DSCalef wrote on 7/19/2008, 1:14 PM
Did you try the Reset button on the top keyboard that the LCD screen folds on top of?

That solved a different problem for me quite easily.

David S. Calef

dreamlx wrote on 7/19/2008, 2:18 PM
I already tried a reset. Just after the reset, the problem disappeared, but after one off and on switch, it reappeared.
I also searched on internet now and apparently it is an error concering the zoom reset sensor. The weird thing is that zoom is not affected at all, only focusing. During the error code, sometimes autofocus doesn't work, manual focus still works. Sometimes also manual focus doesn't work. Now that I've tried this cam in a quieter room. I have also noticed that a clicking noise is heard during 3 seconds when switching on. Sometimes after this noise, everything works normally. Sometimes there is the error code and the focusing problems.
johnmeyer wrote on 7/19/2008, 2:52 PM
This is a long shot and probably wont' help but here goes.

Plug the camcorder into the charger, then do the reset, and keep it plugged into the charger while using the camera. See if the error returns.

I have an FX1 and have never seen this problem, but I have had other equipment get flaky when the battery starts to glitch. The infolithium batteries are temperamental sometimes.
dreamlx wrote on 7/19/2008, 3:20 PM
I will try this tomorrow but I don't think it is a flaky battery because I did the tests here using another battery then the one where the error occured on location.
johnmeyer wrote on 7/19/2008, 3:25 PM
I don't think it is a flaky battery Probably not. Like I said, it is a long shot.
ushere wrote on 7/20/2008, 5:02 AM
sorry can't help, but it would be nice if there was a list of error codes somewhere on the net.

years ago i downloaded (though forgot where from) the error listings for our bvw, uvw and pvw betasp decks. very useful indeed.




TLF wrote on 7/20/2008, 5:30 AM
"Zoom operations fault Inspect the lens block zoom reset sensor"

From: http://www.sonyhdvinfo.com/showthread.php?p=66771#post66771

C 04 00 Non-standard battery is used. Use the info LITHIUM battery.
C 21 00 Condensation. Remove the cassette, and insert it again after one hour.
C 22 00 Video head is dirty. Clean with the optional cleaning cassette.
C 31 10 LOAD direction. Loading does not complete within specified time Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 31 11 UNLOAD direction. Loading does not complete within specified time Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 31 20 T reel side tape slacking when unloading. Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 31 21 Winding S reel fault when counting the rest of tape. Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 31 22 T reel fault. Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 31 23 S reel fault. Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 31 24 T reel fault. Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 31 30 FG fault when starting capstan. Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 31 40 FG fault when starting drum. Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 31 42 FG fault during normal drum operations. Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 32 20 T reel side tape slacking when unloading. Remove the battery or power cable, connect, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 32 21 Winding S reel fault when counting the rest of tape. Remove the battery or power cable, connect, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 32 22 T reel fault. Remove the battery or power cable, connect, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 32 23 S reel fault. Remove the battery or power cable, connect, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 32 24 T reel fault. Remove the battery or power cable, connect, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 32 30 FG fault when starting capstan. Remove the battery or power cable, connect, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 32 40 FG fault when starting drum Remove the battery or power cable, connect, and perform operations from the beginning.
C 32 42 FG fault during normal drum operations Remove the battery or power cable, connect, and perform operations from the beginning.
E 61 00 Difficult to adjust focus Inspect the lens block focus reset sensor
E 61 10 Zoom operations fault Inspect the lens block zoom reset sensor
E 62 00 Steadyshot function does not work well. Inspect pitch angular velocity sensor
E 62 01 Steadyshot function does not work well. Inspect yaw angular velocity sensor
DSCalef wrote on 7/20/2008, 8:23 PM
a clicking noise is heard during 3 seconds when switching on

Seems like on startup the lens block is trying to reset its sensors to know where the lens is zoomed and focused. This may be by moving one or both to a startup position. The clicking you are hearing may be the mechanics jammed in such a way that gears are skipping and not moving as needed.

The question is, is something else fighting that action, like a zoom rocker switch depressed or a focus ring held in place?

As you can tell, I am reaching. I had a copy machine that would reset its scanner on power up, and occasionally it would start sticking and clicking. I knew we were headed for a service visit soon.

Just thoughts........


dreamlx wrote on 8/3/2008, 8:34 AM
Just a quick update. The problem isn't known by Sony Center Luxembourg. They have determined that they are unable to fix this problem, and had to send the camcorder to another service center. In about 3 weeks, they should be able to tell me what a repair would cost. So, I think fixing the problem and getting the camcorder back would probably take about 6 weeks. However I need my 3 FX1s about every weekend. In order to borrow one, I would pay 200 euros per day, so weekend 3 days would cost me 600 euros * 6 weekends would be 3600 euros. Therefore I decided to buy a Z7. If the FX1 can be repaired for under 1000 euros, I will have it repaired and use it as backup camcorder. Otherwise I will let them send it back unrepaired and hold it here as replacement parts stock for my other FX1s.
dreamlx wrote on 9/11/2008, 2:57 AM
Another quick update:

Now after 2 month, my FX1 is back from repair.

The good news: the repair price was only 300$

The bad news: the FX1 still has exactly the same problem as before, so back to repair. Hopefully it's fixed in 2 months than.

I hope that the professional division is faster, as I wouldn't like have my Z7 for 4 month in repair.
dreamlx wrote on 7/11/2009, 10:06 PM
This FX1 is driving me crazy.

An update:

1 month later the camcorder was back from repair.

We used it only a 3 times for not so important projects without any problem.
Yesterday we used it for the first time again for an important project. Now there is no error message, but everything is slight out of focus, in auto and manual adjustment. Fortunately we had another FX1 in our car which saved the shot. Because the problem reappeared only after 6 month (3 usages) there is no longer warranty on repair. I am just wondering if the best I could do is throwing this cam away and buying a second Z7.

Did any one of you had similar repair nightmares with their FX1 ?

I have also to say that we have 3 FX1s and one Z7, and those cams now work for years without any problem.