OT: Hmmmmm.... palm based video editing?

FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/22/2005, 4:16 PM
Well, I was thinking (that's something I do sometimes), I was thinking about editing on my palm. I thought to myself, It sure would be kinda nice to have something like an I-POD that I could do basic editing on, where I could then export an EDL and be able to do it just about anywhere. With processors getting fast enough to theoretically run Vegas in some pocket PC's and Palms, it would sure be interesting to see something like that.

Well, maybe there's already something out there like that already.



epirb wrote on 1/22/2005, 4:47 PM
You can probably do it on those Tablet pc's , besides it give you a little bit bigger real estate for your T/L.

Just laughing to myself thinking, what the T/L would look like on a Palm with say 10 vid layers. HEHE you pull out your jewelers glasses with the 20x magnification and your pinpoint stylus and away you go!!!

i know thats not what you were implying , it was just a what happens when "I" start "thinking".
B_JM wrote on 1/22/2005, 7:27 PM
a lot of merit in that.. or at leat on a micro laptop (still love my little mini toshiba) ..

only thing i could find was tealvideo for palm ... very very basic ...

FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/22/2005, 9:47 PM
You could use something like one of those Photo IPOD's with a color screen, then have the shuttle wheel to be able to slide the cursor along. But the coolest thing would be not having to wait to open somthing up, It could be an instant on dedicated device, and whenever you had a moment you could just turn it on, and edit - something interupts you, just turn it off, and then turn it on as soon as you're done.

But, I would think that something the size of a laptop drive would do it. with a fairly basic interface. You KNOW that mac guys would love it because it would be small and sleek. They would just think it's soo NEAT, and have to have it.

Maybe someone will even read this post and it will spur on the creation of this item.

Maybe instead of an HD, give it a CF card slot or some other large form of FLASH memory (as that is the way it will all go soon enough) that is hot swapable. Seems to me like the idea could be a winner, but it would be a very specific market. Well, maybe someone will do it soon, or is already working on it.

nickle wrote on 1/22/2005, 11:14 PM
Now that Apple is selling computers with no monitor or keyboard Steve Jobs is probably working on an Ipod that edits video.

But you'll have to switch to FCP. (lite edition)
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/22/2005, 11:32 PM
FCP = Freakin crappy process doesn't it? =)

RichMacDonald wrote on 1/23/2005, 11:10 AM
>With processors getting fast enough to theoretically run Vegas in some pocket PC's and Palms, it would sure be interesting to see something like that.

I think you're still in dreamland. The Palm is still a very slow CPU and doesn't have an FPU (floating point unit). It can display images ok, but I doubt editting video would be anything other than watching paint peel.

I'm actually in the process of trying to get the PocketPC to display video. We found a codec+player that displays pretty good video, although I don't have any of the details: Another guy did the test, he loaded a small wmv file and it played very nicely. All we were trying to do was prove that it can display video, and we didn't note the specs except that it was in the ballpark of what was needed (fills the PocketPC screen, smooth playback, there is a full screen mode that looks really good).

Still, I'm guessing that actually editting video with FX rather than simply trimming and aligning clips remains out of the question with a PocketPC.

We're in the business of getting images and clips to a PocketPC "live" via wireless and playing them with both a player app and a Java app running. The PocketPC is multi-threaded, so this is theoretically possible, but we'll have to see two apps running simultaneously to believe it. The multi-threaded issue is a factor with a video editor as well, since you need an editor app and a player app, at the very least.

Assuming the PocketPC can run two apps simultaneously, one possible model (the only one able to do significant editing, imho) is to work wirelessly and do all the hard-core processing on another server. The editor would link to the server and send its editing commands to the server, the server would process them and download the clip (a very small clip) for playback.. My best guess is that this would be possible but only for bleeding edge "toy-ists"; too slow for anything serious, not to mention the form-factor issues of fitting all that editting capability into a useable gui.

Someone mentioned the tablet PC. That might be realistic.

Now an OT to your OT: We've been approached by some Hollywood people (film and TV) about the possibility of capturing the dailys to digital and automatically sending them to the "suits" for viewing. We haven't done the research but assume someone has already worked on the hardware issues to capture the digital video automatically and store it to disc, hopefully well-organized and tagged. It'd have to be compressed somehow, then we'd handle the distribution, along with new tools for navigation. Our niche is the distribution and collaboration apps, down the PocketPC level. So assuming this goes beyond the "this would be nice to have; you'd make a lot of money" talk to the "go find out what it would take and here's some money to make it worth your while", perhaps I'll be seeing some of you at the next trade show ;-)

Specifically, I am currently working on a "proving ground" app dealing with home automation networks, e.g., capturing streaming video from home surveilance cameras and delivering them to your desktop/laptop/tablet and/or PocketPC. Say your outside motion detector triggers, so wake up your phone and navigate to the clip that shows what is going on. I am working in Java and currently I "stream" video by a series of stills played back in sequence. The next step is to convert the sequence of stills to a video clip. No Vegas interaction yet, since it is simpler to do it all in one language if possible, and Vegas doesn't have the easiest command line or COM interfaces. If anyone is interested in the area of java video processing, let me know and I'll keep you informed.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/23/2005, 1:55 PM
I'm afraid I'm one poor person here, who just got married on top of that. So wildly spending money on anything that isn't an almost sure bet is not likely. I'll probably never get beyond the "it will make someone a lot of money/ it'll be nice" stage. However, what I'm talking about, would not be doing more than just simple editing. Cut up clips a few potential tracks, Very basic editing. I would suggest something that doesn't do much more than see the clips on the "T/L" "view" and then once it's done, be able to watch a low, low res video on the same screen, but not at the same time as editting, more like do one, then the other. Then instead of doing something as taxing as rendering your project from the Palm (which will be making a Linux built OS in the somewhat near future) or Pocket PC (a somewhat bloated and slow OS IHMO) It would simply output an EDL (like I said earlier) that you could then import into and render in a computer that would be made for editing. If you like my ideas (Chuckling) feel free to use them. But I would think that Pocket PC isn't the best OS to work in, but instead perhaps a proprietary system, or some OS that is built very fast that wouldn't take up a lot of ram just by running. ( I think there's promise in the Linux base that Palm is moving into).

a link about it
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/23/2005, 2:18 PM
BTW, I'm assuming that the IPODs wouldn't be suitable for storing the daylies and viewing them?
nickle wrote on 1/23/2005, 4:14 PM
I had dual monitors- a 17" and a 15". The 15" was too small.

Now I have a 21" and a 17".

The 17" is too small.

But for the Palm - a good solution would be to be able to connect to your home PC and edit wirelessly.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/23/2005, 5:08 PM
I would agree with that, but there are already programs ouit there that will let you run a remote desktop deal from your palm.

nickle wrote on 1/23/2005, 6:40 PM
I don't know alot about Palm pilots, but isn't there only 256MB of memory?

Wouldn't that hold only 1 minute of video?
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/23/2005, 7:07 PM
That's why I suggested a storage things similar to an IPOD or Larg Flash drives.

nickle wrote on 1/23/2005, 8:12 PM
Well since you forced me to think about this.

Here is what you need.

It is possible to run XP from a ram drive. Maybe a 1GB memory stick would do it.
Mini drives are expected to grow to 10 GB next year and measure less than an inch.

A faster processor shouldn't be a problem. If there's a will there's a way.

They have already discovered some kind of "nickle" (no relation to me) computer chip that will hold terrabytes of data


So the possibilites are there to build some kind of contraption that only needs some kind of i/o front end and a screen.

I guess it is just a matter of building it.
BrianStanding wrote on 1/23/2005, 8:21 PM
Forget the timeline, just do a thumbnail-based storyboard setup for cuts-only editing. Drag the clip into the appropriate sequence with the stylus. Then you'd need a way of doing a lo-rez preview and spit out an EDL. And use lo-rez proxies for the full-res files to save disk and memory space.

I'd use one.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/23/2005, 8:26 PM
Well, not just building it, but also having customers for it as well.

But there's also this OQO.com thing (not really a standard tablet PC, but not a palm either)

It'll be the way things go.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/23/2005, 8:30 PM
You listening Rich? There's some good ideas here probably.

Make it rich my friend.
BrianStanding wrote on 1/24/2005, 9:19 AM
Here's a link to a little app I used back in the day when I was using a Premiere / Canopus Raptor setup with a 40gb hard drive.

It includes a feature to stamp lo-rez proxy files with DV timecode, allowing you to recapture trimmed lo-rez clips at full DV resolution. I think this would work for this purpose as well.

Jsnkc wrote on 1/24/2005, 9:48 AM
Maybe something like THIS is what you're looking for :)

nickle wrote on 1/24/2005, 9:53 AM
Yeah and it's running xp too.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/24/2005, 10:49 AM
Jsnkc, wouldn't it be nice if it were possible :-)

But I say, it's probably not too far off.

Chienworks wrote on 1/24/2005, 10:50 AM
And how big a hard drive does that thing sport? I want at least 200GB. ;)
Jsnkc wrote on 1/24/2005, 10:56 AM
You can currently get 2 seconds of AVI-DV video in it. You can upgrade to 5 seconds for an additional $1000 :)
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 1/24/2005, 10:57 AM
No no no, Chein, if you really want to do it right, make sure it's got 2 HD's. 200GB each would probably do the trick. And then you have one to capture to and another to render to. Come on Kelly, get with it ;)
caldvd wrote on 2/1/2005, 12:35 PM

It shoots and edits video. I have one with a 1GB MMC card, and I can take up to 10 Minutes of video at a time.

Not great quality, but good enough for testing camera angles, timing, etc....

Editing is done with Ulead and here is the scoop:
Ulead Systems: Ulead VideoStudio(TM) M-Style - An innovative solution for editing videos directly on your mobile phone. Easily trim video, combine video clips, and replace the audio track with your favorite music or even a personal commentary.

I think this phone is the BOMB... Now only if Vegas ran on it. :)