OT: How To Lose Eight-Billion-Dollars in CASH


Laurence wrote on 2/19/2007, 1:56 PM
You know how big corporations give executives stock options and bonuses contingent on how the company is doing financially? How about something like that for the President and members of Congress based upon economic and other key indicators of how our country is doing economically, educationally, and environmentally. If the country is doing well, they get paid more in some sort of bonuses. That and make any money taken from lobbyists totally illegal. Just an idea.
Jonathan Neal wrote on 2/19/2007, 2:27 PM
I don't care about politics, I'm just looking for my money. :)

US Airways Group Inc. said Wednesday it has made an $8 billion cash and stock offer for Delta Airlines Inc. in a deal that would create one of the world's largest airlines.

Hey US Airways Group Inc., where were you on the night of Operation Shock and Awe? What were you doing that got you $8 billion cash? What do you mean, flying? To both questions? What do you mean, this is a ridiculous lead? I'm missing $8,000,000,000.00 dollars, I can be as insanely ridiculous as I want!

Facebook, having turned down at least one verified $1 billion buyout offer, is now saying they aren’t for sale. CEO Mark Zuckerberg and board member Peter Thiel aren’t stopping there, either. They’re also saying the company may build towards an IPO, and is worth at least $8 billion today.

Hey Facebook, why do you think you're worth so much? Are you trying to launder _my_ money? What do you mean, they're only fiscal estimates? IPO, is that some hacker term? What do you mean, this is an even more ridiculous lead than US Airways Group Inc.? I'm mising $8,000,000,000.00 dollars in cold hard cash, you would stutter before you told me how many zeros there were in that number!

Brazil's foreign sales of beef, pork, and poultry are expected to reach around US$ 8 billion this year, as estimated by the Secretary of Agricultural Surveillance of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply, Gabriel Alves Maciel.

Hey Brazil's foreign sales of beef, pork, and poultry, what's the beef? And or pork, and or poultry? What do you mean, these are sales over an entire fiscal year? Are you getting paid in cash? What do you mean this is none of my business and this is the most ridiculous lead yet? Oh, so you're not gonna answer, what are you, chicken? Oh .. so you are, I see .. oh, yes? Oh, and pork, and beef, I see, I see. I'm sorry, you're excused. By the way, I loved you in Breakfast at Tiffany's.


*mumbles* grrr friggin fifth amendment grr */mumbles*
GenJerDan wrote on 2/20/2007, 2:58 AM
re: IQ tests, etc., for qualifying for office.

Even simpler: if you've ever been caught lying, you're disqualified. No questions, no ifs, no buts.

Then we say bye-bye to...well...dang near everybody in office at moment.

I don't care if someone cheated on a spouse, smoked dope, ran a red light, or even ran a red light district.

But if they lie about it?

Oh. And no carpetbaggers, either.