and your name, SSN, bank account #, cc#, pet's name, place of birth, first car, mothers maiden name... you know, everything you gave that that other companies use as proof of who you are to let you in to their secure servers. ;)
By the way, I read somewhere that on many websites your password is only as good as the answers to the special questions ("what was your first car?"). And usually those answers are very easy to guess. Lots of people have been hacked this way.
So what I do is put in a default nonsensical password as answers for those questions. For example: "What was your first car?" Answer: "1swordfish." I use the same password for all the questions just to make things simple. But if the website won't accept the same password, I increment them--2swordfish, 3swordfish, and so on.
This means that no one is going to be able to sneak in by guessing, yet it will be easy for me to remember the correct answers in the future.