OT: Looking for a good post production / lighting book

FrigidNDEditing wrote on 12/29/2004, 7:29 PM
OK, so does anyone out there have knowledge of a good book on post (specifically Color correction) I.E. Technique and some standards that are considered "good" or "correct" appearence of image, and on lighting during shooting (specifically pertaining to a DVX but not necessary)

Thanx for any input you guys have.



Spot|DSE wrote on 12/29/2004, 8:13 PM
Steve Hullfish' book on Color Correction is an industry staple. Very good stuff, with wonderful explanations of scopes, correction, etc.

In terms of a DVX book, I'd recommend the "DVX Book" from Barry Green. www.fiftv.com
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 12/29/2004, 8:38 PM
Is this the book title that you are refering to?
Lighting for Digital Video and Television

patreb wrote on 12/29/2004, 9:00 PM
There is tons of tricks related to making "weird" colored footage unfortunately most books i encountered cover only how to light properly and never really go too much into making the footage more beautiful. From my expereince you can ahieve a lot by playing with where midtones go compared to shadows and then almost always desaturate the footage -- sounds strange but if you push "heavy" in some areas the image gets the tint of that color without looking annoying.

Most clips and images on my site:
were shot with DVX100 and then colorized in the post unfortunately lately i'm running out of ideas where to push the colors so i start going back to the basics... getting raw fooatge looking as excaiting as possible by playing with various filters while shooting. Watch "Veronica Mars" on UPN9 the DP always manages to shove some green or artificial yellow here and there.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 12/29/2004, 9:53 PM
well, I figure it's best to start out with what's "right" and then go into what I want to do after I have some idea of what's the right way to do it.
David_Kuznicki wrote on 12/30/2004, 5:35 AM

I'll second this one. It taught me far more than I ever expected it to.

Arks wrote on 12/30/2004, 6:49 AM
the DVX book is located here:


if you use the dvx alot, I suggest checking out the website this book is located at, great source of info.
David_Kuznicki wrote on 12/30/2004, 7:24 AM

if you use the dvx alot, I suggest checking out the website this book is located at, great source of info.

(and I've seen Spot posting there, as well! ;)
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 12/30/2004, 10:39 AM
I looked at a side by side comparison image that they made on that dvx book site, and it seemed to show that shooting in 24P provides better color than 60i.

Is that always the case or do you guys think that there were some color corrections being done?
