OT: NAB 2005

Spot|DSE wrote on 3/21/2005, 10:18 AM
With NAB 2005 just around the corner, wondered who all will be going? Registration for the first ever all Vegas Users Event is higher than expected, so it's looking like it's going to be a great time. The Post Production Conference is filling up too. Vegas is featured in the pre-show bootcamp/fasst start program, and it's featured in several other classes as well. Visit the Sony Vegas Users Event link for more information/register for the party. Lotsa cool sponsors, partners, and prizes at the gathering of Vegas Users.

Who all is going? Are you going just to see new gear, or do you have a particular agenda in mind? Any predictions on what's gonna be there?
Inquiring minds wanna know...


FrigidNDEditing wrote on 3/21/2005, 10:23 AM
Won't be there I'm afraid, but I'm expecting V6 and at least some word on the new panny, if not a working prototype.

Erk wrote on 3/21/2005, 10:25 AM
"do you have a particular agenda in mind?"

Spot, are you trying to get another thread locked?

Just kidding.

I look forward to your NAB reports. Glad to hear Vegas visibility will be higher then ever.
Liam_Vegas wrote on 3/21/2005, 10:51 AM
Registration for the

Hmm... didn't many of us go to a Vegas User Event last year? Either way... I am sure this event will no doubt be very memorable and worth attending.
Yoyodyne wrote on 3/21/2005, 11:03 AM
Oh man, I can't go...and it's killing me...

Would love to attend the Vegas event and thank all the people that have helped me out with stuff in person. I'm also very stoked about the "possible" Vegas 6 stuff. DSE, are you goiing to be doing some kind of NAB report, is this posted on the VASST site?

p.s. The "HDV.What you need to know" book is great by the way! Talk about a soup to nuts easy to understand explanation of this format - thanks a bunch DSE.
DGrob wrote on 3/21/2005, 11:47 AM
YES, I'll be there. Besides the Vegas Users Party, I'll be perusing everything post production and HD. Trying to build enough knowledge to move there, ohhhh soooo slowly. Did I hear a rumor about V7? :-Darryl
shawnm wrote on 3/21/2005, 11:49 AM
I'll be going to see new gear and take in some PPW sessions. Unfortunately, I'm only attending from the 16th to the 18th so I'll have to miss the party. :-(

"Any predictions on what's gonna be there?"

A continuation of last year - shooting, aquiring, editing and delivering HD/HDV faster, better and cheaper (sort of).

Any chance you'll be handing out swag at the Sony booth? ;-)


Orcatek wrote on 3/21/2005, 11:58 AM
Going to see new gear - both hardware and software - making a shopping list and a wishlist (too bad they can't be the same).

I like to see the demos on software because when I download a product to try, I don't know how to use it and may often not see the best that it can do. I prefer the small demos at stations around boths so I can ask tons of questions.

I expect to hear something about Vegas 6 and maybe a new product/plug-in pack. Hope to see more third party support.

Also expect to seen the new Panasonic HD/HDV camera for under 10K.

Hope to see something from Canon in the HD/HDV realm.
rs170a wrote on 3/21/2005, 12:00 PM
First time attendee here who's definitely looking forward to attending.
The college I work for is considering several (technical) improvements over the next few years. Because of this, I'll be checking out a lot of different booths to try and get a handle on the future direction of things.

The Tuesday night party is a must for me :-)
Looking forward to finally meeting some of you and being able to put faces to names. Speaking of which, a suggestion I made when I registered for this was to hand out extra name tags at the door for us to put our user name on as a lot of us don't go by our regular name here and it would make it easier. Just a thought.

Lastly, someone posted a link a while ago about a Surround Sound seminar on Sunday. I'll be arriving that morning and would like to take at least part of it in but I lost the link. Does anyone have it? Thanks.

beerandchips wrote on 3/21/2005, 1:16 PM
I will be there. Can't wait. Looking at stuff for work (FCP, etc.) But, looking forward to Vegas stuff for me. And, just maybe, some gambling thrown in there from 5pm - 8am every night.
winrockpost wrote on 3/21/2005, 4:05 PM
Ill be there , mainly at the blackjack table, but will manage to walk through and dream a bit.
RNLVideo wrote on 3/21/2005, 6:00 PM
I'll be there - wandering for days checking out all of the latest gear & software. Fortuantely, it's local for me!

Cheno wrote on 3/21/2005, 6:33 PM
Yup - I'll be there Mon and Tuesday hoofing it amongst the miles of cool toys. Looking forward to seeing you all at the shindig on Tues night.
