
vtxrocketeer wrote on 3/24/2012, 6:59 PM
Ulf, have you considered ArtBeats? Here you go:
Kit wrote on 3/24/2012, 8:11 PM
Have you looked at Video Blocks . Not all their footage is HD but I think some of the Africa stuff is. Hope this helps,

johnmeyer wrote on 3/24/2012, 9:39 PM
What quality do you need? My daughter spent the summer running races all over Europe and then went to South Africa for three weeks. She has several thousand still photos, and about twenty minutes of video showing Johannesburg and Capetown, along with a lot of animals in the wild. However, while the stills are reasonably high-res, the video is SD shot with a pocket Canon still camera.

The last five photos on this page are some of the stills. This gives you some idea of what the video looks like, although there video contains far more of the two cities and the wild animals.

South Africa

UlfLaursen wrote on 3/24/2012, 11:40 PM
Thanks a lot guys. I love Artbeats, but for this project, I think it is too expensive :(

Am downloading some HD clips from VB right now.

Thanks for the offer John, as always most kind of you, but I am afraid it has to be HD.

earthrisers wrote on 3/25/2012, 2:57 PM
If you haven't already looked at Footage Firm (, you might find it worthwhile. They have a lot of DVDs that they give away for FREE (just shipping charges). I have a bunch I've got from them, including several of African animals, and several of landscapes -- I don't recall at the moment whether those landscapes include African ones.
Most of their DVDs have footage both in HiDef and "regular".
Kit wrote on 3/25/2012, 10:02 PM
I think Footage Firm and Video Blocks are the same people. If you ignore the time factor for downloading I think a temporary subscription to Video Blocks can work out cheaper.
Rory Cooper wrote on 3/26/2012, 8:16 AM
Ulf let me know what you need, I can send it to you! Ubuntu
sam-smith1131 wrote on 3/26/2012, 1:02 PM
Going to Kenya this summer to do some work for a school in the slums of Nairobi. If you still need footage by then let me know.
Dan Sherman wrote on 3/26/2012, 2:01 PM
Have some South Sudan footage, but SD.