
TheHappyFriar wrote on 4/1/2010, 10:06 AM
hmm..... those prices seemed ofly cheap... I think I could get more for my goats. :p
richard-courtney wrote on 4/1/2010, 10:16 AM
If I thought it was funny I'd ask "How much did you raise?"

My wife is more than a partner and contributes to my happiness, wealth,
success, and our marriage. She is priceless and irreplaceable.
A true blessing!

Just can't imagine even thinking of this happening.
CorTed wrote on 4/1/2010, 10:32 AM
Bjorn, here is one for you.
Something every iPad owner (to be) should have:

John_Cline wrote on 4/1/2010, 11:23 AM
Not only are you an Apple zealot turns out your kind of sexist, too.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 4/1/2010, 11:27 AM
don't see how it's sexist.
rs170a wrote on 4/1/2010, 11:32 AM
The article Bjorn links to starts off with
"The English custom of wife selling was a way of ending an unsatisfactory marriage by mutual agreement that began in the late 17th century, when divorce was a practical impossibility for all but the very wealthiest."

John_Cline wrote on 4/1/2010, 11:38 AM
"don't see how it's sexist."

You don't think that linking to a page about selling women as property is sexist? I actually like and respect woman and regard them as equals.
CorTed wrote on 4/1/2010, 12:45 PM
John, it is another April fool's joke........ not to be taken too seriously

from CNN page

• Wikipedia's main page offered an interesting array of articles, from a featured piece on the cherished custom of wife-selling to a headline about how Sony had accidentally used a time machine to zap some of its customers back to 1999.

Coursedesign wrote on 4/1/2010, 1:10 PM

I guess that's the risk with saying anything this day of the year.

Let's break the news: this is Wikipedia's April Fool's Joke for today.

As for me personally, I have immense respect for my wife.

I even enjoy spending time with her, and that has been labeled as the one real expression of true love.

As for my work life, every single female administrative assistant I ever employed over the last 30 years (quite a few) became a successful business entrepreneur afterwards. I gave them lots of encouragement while I employed them, as well as afterwards.

Oh, there was one exception. One of my assistants did get just "a regular job."

Alas, it was sitting behind Tom Brokaw on NBC five evenings a week.

Time to taste some & Jerry's Ice Screen™ Virtual Ice Cream[/link], using NASA-developed nano technology to transfer each flavor to your screen, ready for licking.


John_Cline wrote on 4/1/2010, 1:11 PM
It's still not funny and my girlfriend REALLY didn't think it was funny. Fortunately for me, she sees no humor in man-bashing jokes either. Otherwise, she's pretty darned hilarious.
Laurence wrote on 4/1/2010, 1:18 PM
>John, it is another April fool's joke........ not to be taken too seriously

Just an April fool's joke! Darn.

Actually if my wife treated me like an equal that would be a step up for me.