OT...OT... I'm 60 Today!!!


Julius_ wrote on 9/5/2011, 7:24 PM
You know what they say Grazie...it's the first 60 years that are difficult, after that it gets easy.

Happy Birthday!
Tom Pauncz wrote on 9/5/2011, 8:00 PM
Clearly it's FF Mike...
No problems with IE8...

edit: if I log out and display the post, I can see the URL of the image.
Grazie wrote on 9/6/2011, 1:21 AM
I'd like to thank everybody for their kind wishes and to Mike for the advice on how to access DB on FF.

jr and I did get to chat on SKYPE.

"Grazie, after all these years", clever.

Now, back to werk......


MUTTLEY wrote on 9/6/2011, 1:23 AM

Hey Grazie! Sorry I'm a little late for the party but a huge big awesome and wonderful Happy Belated Birthday to you Sir! Hope it was an great one!

Wishing you the best.

- Ray
Underground Planet
Grazie wrote on 9/6/2011, 2:38 AM
Yo Mutts!

My lil RAY o' Sunshine!!

Never ever too late.....

amendegw wrote on 9/6/2011, 4:38 AM
@Tom & Mike: Well now I'm at a loss. All thru this discussion I've never had a problem displaying Grazie's pictures. Both the Link= and img= displays seem to work fine for me and IE9.

I do know this: if you use the img= convention to post your picture and this forum's software cannot resolve the URL, your browser will show nothing - not even an indication of an error.

For example, below I will type, "Start[img=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20447760/Bogus.PNG]End"


If the forum software were working as I think it should, the display should look something like the following. Of course you will only see the following image if you can properly see images (the linked image is here.)

So, after all that, what's the source of this problem? I dunno.


Edit: Okay, I did a little poking around. This forum's html looks like this: "Start<img src=" If they would change the default height & width to 30px, then the red X (image missing icon would show).

System Model:     Alienware M18 R1
System:           Windows 11 Pro
Processor:        13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13980HX, 2200 Mhz, 24 Core(s), 32 Logical Processor(s)

Installed Memory: 64.0 GB
Display Adapter:  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU (16GB), Nvidia Studio Driver 566.14 Nov 2024
Overclock Off

Display:          1920x1200 240 hertz
Storage (8TB Total):
    OS Drive:       NVMe KIOXIA 4096GB
        Data Drive:     NVMe Samsung SSD 990 PRO 4TB
        Data Drive:     Glyph Blackbox Pro 14TB

Vegas Pro 22 Build 194

Canon R5 Mark II
Canon R3
Sony A9

JJKizak wrote on 9/6/2011, 6:26 AM
Try shutting off the pop up blocker.
Tom Pauncz wrote on 9/6/2011, 7:29 AM
Makes no difference here.

I should add that I have no problem seeing the pictures, in-line, in the thread "What do you look like (2010)".

amendegw wrote on 9/6/2011, 7:48 AM
Although I suspect it is rare for anyone, anymore to have scripting turned off. I guess it should be noted that this forum uses javascript to display the images and if you have scripting turned off, the images will not display.



System Model:     Alienware M18 R1
System:           Windows 11 Pro
Processor:        13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13980HX, 2200 Mhz, 24 Core(s), 32 Logical Processor(s)

Installed Memory: 64.0 GB
Display Adapter:  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU (16GB), Nvidia Studio Driver 566.14 Nov 2024
Overclock Off

Display:          1920x1200 240 hertz
Storage (8TB Total):
    OS Drive:       NVMe KIOXIA 4096GB
        Data Drive:     NVMe Samsung SSD 990 PRO 4TB
        Data Drive:     Glyph Blackbox Pro 14TB

Vegas Pro 22 Build 194

Canon R5 Mark II
Canon R3
Sony A9

Dan Sherman wrote on 9/6/2011, 8:21 AM

Happy Bithday Grazie!
I'm two ahead of you.
You'll catch up.
daryl wrote on 9/6/2011, 8:28 AM
And I'm two behind you, I will catch up! Happy birthday!!!
plasmavideo wrote on 9/6/2011, 11:02 AM
Ah, Grazie - you are still a mere youth. Enjoy being 60. It wasn't bad at all!

Happy Birthday!
teaktart wrote on 9/6/2011, 12:15 PM
Dear Grazie,
Best advice I ever heard ~

Don't act your age.....Act your shoe size !

I can do a '10' quite well, and its a lot more fun ;-)

Editguy43 wrote on 9/6/2011, 2:45 PM
Now if those were dog years I would have to worry, but you're still a spring chicken or at least a fall quail.

Anyway a Very happy Birthday to you.. :-)
rmack350 wrote on 9/6/2011, 3:13 PM
I'm a few days late but happy birthday!

Laurence wrote on 9/6/2011, 9:27 PM
Age, IQ and waistline: all right around that same number... ;-)
TorS wrote on 9/7/2011, 4:35 PM
Grazie, gratla med dagen, as we say in Stavanger. Looks like 2011 will be over before I make it to London. Are you planning on another big freeze this winter? I'll bring a scarf, then.
Grazie wrote on 9/7/2011, 5:25 PM
Torzie! It'd be good to see you again, when you can.


apit34356 wrote on 9/7/2011, 11:10 PM
Happy B!!!!!! Just for clarification, was it the bottle that was 60!??? Or was it that you master 60 shots from a 60 year bottle!??????? Have a great day! :-)
JJKizak wrote on 9/8/2011, 6:38 AM
Now you have a valid excuse to go to "BAMS"---"Big A-- Monitors" 30" or over.
jabloomf1230 wrote on 9/9/2011, 8:26 PM
Is that 60i or 60p? 8-)
Laurence wrote on 9/12/2011, 1:43 PM
I just turned 50 today. Weird that Grazie would be an NTSC age while living in the UK and I would be a PAL age living in the US. ;-)
Grazie wrote on 9/12/2011, 2:21 PM
Happy Birthday Laurence. Good catch!!!

What's NTSC?

Dan Sherman wrote on 9/12/2011, 2:41 PM
NTSC, named for the National Television System Committee] is the analog television system that is used in most of North America, most of South America (except Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and French Guiana), Burma, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, and some Pacific island nations and territories.