OT: Sony's surround mic ECM-HQP1

john-beale wrote on 8/5/2009, 5:52 PM
A friend has a Sony AVCHD camera (not sure the model, maybe SR11) and gave me some files. Opening them in Vegas, I see there are two audio streams; one stereo and one 5.1 surround. Looking and listening to all the channels separately, they really are different.

Now I am curious about surround sound recording. Some of the newer Sony cameras do it, but apparently only from a built-in mic? I found Sony made an external 4-channel external mic ECM-HQP1 which connects to their proprietary "Intelligent Accessory Shoe" (AIS). Looking at the signals on this 16-pin connector, I see it does have four audio channels (along with power, LANC, USB and the kitchen sink) http://www.camerahacker.com/Forums/DisplayComments.php?file=Video%20Camera/Sony/AIS_to_standard_stero_input

The ECM-HQP1 microphone has apparently been discontinued for some time. I am curious; has anyone seen or used one of these mics?


blink3times wrote on 8/5/2009, 6:22 PM
"Looking and listening to all the channels separately, they really are different."

Yes... I keep saying that but nobody seems to believe..... until they hear it. It REALLY IS true surround sound. I'm not sure how Sony is doing it but my sr11 has the mic system located in the top of the cam... but you can hear sounds unique to a particular direction be it front, rear, left or right.

Now... add to that the ECM-HW2 center channel wireless mic... and it's simply AMAZING! I picked up one of these mics for a couple of hundred and it totally completes the surround ambiance. The onboard surround mics continue to operate picking up the surround activity, but the ECM takes over the center channel so your subject's voice comes directly from the center channel. It's really neat because the cam operator's voice comes more from the rear speakers (as it should) but your subject is CLEARLY on center channel.

The ECM-HW2 also has 2 way communication so the cam operator and subject can talk/listen off air.

I used to be into video editing pretty much mostly for the video.... but this surround system has kind of changed that. I spend A LOT of time now... probably more so... working on the audio as opposed to the video...... the sound is so amazing.

farss wrote on 8/5/2009, 8:09 PM
Here's how you can make your own "Soundfield" microphone for peanuts:


Coursedesign wrote on 8/5/2009, 8:22 PM
Thanks Bob, very interesting!
john-beale wrote on 8/5/2009, 9:21 PM
Thanks for the link! Those peanuts seem to come with some assembly required :-). I have found a lot of interesting 2D and 3D surround work written up online.

I was just curious that Sony's consumer cameras offer 5.1 surround recording from the built-in mic, but they do not permit anything more than a simple stereo external mic. The higher-end "prosumer" cameras do not seem to offer any provision for surround recording either.

Sony's AIS shoe (featured on most or all of their compact camcorders the past several years) provides four channels of mic input which the DCR-PC1000 service manual labels FR,FL,RR,RL, basically stereo front and stereo rear. Sony used to make the 4-channel ECM-CQP1 and the (mid-side) surround ECM-HQP1 mics, but both are now discontinued and they currently make no external surround mic. It's just puzzling.

farss wrote on 8/5/2009, 11:42 PM
If you're interested in "3D" sound you might find QCreator interesting. I hear it used a lot these days in TVC and promos. Due totally to the luck of how my TV's speakers are placed and where the TV is in the room it catches me out regularly.
