OT: Useless Windows message

Red Prince wrote on 10/22/2012, 4:14 PM
Every time I boot up my Windows, this worthless message pops up:

Does Microsoft really think I only have one USB Mass Storage Device plugged into my computer? Why can’t it tell me which one of the many devices it is talking about?

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)


Chienworks wrote on 10/22/2012, 4:30 PM
My old laptop has taken to informing me that all the devices (i have none connected) would perform faster if i plugged them into USB 2.0 ports. Strange thing is that all the ports on that laptop are USB 2.0.
Liam_Vegas wrote on 10/22/2012, 4:37 PM
Several ways you can find out which of your many USB drives might be USB3 compatible.

1. A USB 3.0 device will have a different color USB plug. Usually - Blue.
2. It will say so on the box it came in when you bought it.
3. Unplug/reconnect each of your drives (safely of course) and wait for that polite message to re-appear.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 10/22/2012, 5:50 PM
Does Microsoft really think I only have one USB Mass Storage Device plugged into my computer? Why can’t it tell me which one of the many devices it is talking about?

I'd assume they assume you know what you're doing. :)

I only have one USB mass storage device hooked up upon boot. I'd rather use SATA if I had the choice but at the time I didn't.
Red Prince wrote on 10/22/2012, 7:08 PM
Oh, I’m not looking for advice on how to find the device. I’m just laughing at how pointless that message is.

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)