
stormstereo wrote on 6/23/2004, 6:00 AM
I guess you just have to click the icon without typing in a password. If so, this is exactly what happens when you have had the .NET framework installed, which is required for optimal use of Vegas 5 and it's scripting capabilities. No harm whatsoever is made to your computer.

To get rid of the icon-clicking just go into the Win XP "Control Panel" and open "User Accounts" (I'm using XP Swedish so I'm not 100% sure of the name). There you'll find a new ASP.NET account. Click on it and then choose to delete it. Restart your 'puter and it should log in immediately without the icon click thing.

bjtap wrote on 6/23/2004, 8:16 AM
You hit right on the head on both counts. I had just reinstalled framework 1.1 and deleting that user account took care of the problem.
Thank you sir,
stormstereo wrote on 6/24/2004, 5:40 PM
Anytime man.