OT: XH-A1 utility

UlfLaursen wrote on 11/4/2007, 12:25 AM

I am waiting to get my new XH-A1 so I have been surfing arround the net to get info, testfootage etc. and I found this:


It is a utility where you can adjust settings on your PC and save it as a config file for the camera.

I have not tried it myself, but it looks a bid cool and it's free. :-)



DJPadre wrote on 11/4/2007, 1:25 AM
looks like a poor mans console without live preview/capture/control
Salamander wrote on 11/4/2007, 5:28 AM
You can also check out the DV Info forum where there iis a set of custom presets that various people have created. Here's the link.

Cheno wrote on 11/4/2007, 7:01 AM
Canon Console actually lets you control the camera settings live, then save them. Meaning you'll get a real-time preview through the camera lens of what your settings will look like. If this program allows no type of preview, I can't even see it's usefulness. Even in the Canon internal settings, you can see live what you are doing.

I can't see the use of making adjustments blindly and then saving to your camera to test out then. May not be the case here but sure appears to be.

I second Salamander's advice - the Canon presets (downloadable) over at DVInfo are a much more proven way to go.

UlfLaursen wrote on 11/4/2007, 12:08 PM
Thanks Salamander - it's probably a better way to go. I'll sure try it out when I get my cam next week.

Chris Smith wrote on 11/4/2007, 3:26 PM
You might want to check out my post in the forum about Vegas 8 not capturing 24f from the XH-A1. I've got no solution from Sony after a month. Here's the link.

Good luck!
UlfLaursen wrote on 11/4/2007, 8:41 PM
Thanks Chris, I'm aware of this.
I'm in PAL-land thoug, but it might be the same with 25F. I'm not sure how much I'm going to use it yet, but perhaps when you get to know it it is good to use. I hope and think that sony is going to fix it.
