
David_Kuznicki wrote on 9/21/2004, 5:27 AM
After having dealt with Canon's customer support/repair dept. repeatedly for a year and a half, I vowed never to buy from Canon again. I don't care if it's a camera or if it's copier paper. They are genuinely THAT bad.

That's why I bought a DVX-100a instead of an XL-2.


Randy Brown wrote on 9/21/2004, 6:37 AM
David I've heard the difference in the California and NY Canon repair places are totally different as to their service but I sent in an XL1s to the California repair place while still under warranty and had it back in 5 days (they paid to overnight it back to me) with no problems since (2 years).
Spot, are you sure they haven't arrived because Ray (Muttley) gave a review on his a few days ago...I'm pretty sure he's in the states.
Spot|DSE wrote on 9/21/2004, 6:41 AM
MINE hasn't arrived yet, no...
David, sorry to hear of your Canon issue. I've never experienced that with them, and I've sent several cams in for maintenance over the years. We send ever XL and GL in once a year for maintenance. We are never out of camera for more than a week, whether it goes to Jersey or CA.
Randy Brown wrote on 9/21/2004, 6:53 AM
Sorry, thought you meant they haven't arrived in the US yet.
farss wrote on 9/21/2004, 6:55 AM
I think SPOT was refering to the magazine!
I've read the review and it certainly has attracted good press. Just how well it's going to fare in the marketplace will be interesting to see, I'm not convinced that it's the best DV25 camera ever, I wonder how it stacks up against say a 570? I'm editing a lot of footage shot on one right now and it looks pretty good to me. OK, pretty different price range I'll admit. Should be doing footage shot in low light next week with a 570 so that'll be a better test I guess, hopefully I'll convince the guy to switch the thing to 16:9.
I'm also suspecting it's too little too late for Cannon, Sony (for once!) would seem to have stolen everyones thunder and unlike Cannon they have a decent reputation down under. They've certainly never built the most exciting of cameras but the things kept going and going way past their use by date and even then you could get them fixed and fixed right first go.

David_Kuznicki wrote on 9/21/2004, 7:28 AM
--David, sorry to hear of your Canon issue. I've never experienced that with them, and I've sent several cams in for maintenance over the years. We send ever XL and GL in once a year for maintenance. We are never out of camera for more than a week, whether it goes to Jersey or CA.

Mine went to Jersey-- every time. Sometimes I'd get it back after 3-4 weeks.
Once, after two months, I called to find out what happened to it... and the manager said that they 'had forgotten to send it back.' I never got quick service. My camera went back to them 4 times over the course of a year and a half... and they never really remidied the problem.

I'm glad to see that there have been some positive experiences with them; I realize that my situation was (hopefully!) an anomoly. But that being said-- there's NO reason that a camera (even a cheap little consumer camera that I used as a VTR) should have to go back to Canon 4x without being fixed. There's no reason that it should take them forever to get it back to you.

Do you remember the camera that I sent you last summer for your video, Spot? The one with the blown out firewire port that I was willing to just give away? That was the offending camera, actually!

I guess that's the point-- that they infuriated me SO badly that I wanted to wash my hands of them entirely, instead of sending it back to Jersey for a fifth time.

Bill Ravens wrote on 9/21/2004, 7:28 AM
My XL2 is due to arrive tommorrow. REALLY looking forward to spending this weekend checking it out. Fall has arrived to Northern new Mexico and there's TONS of flame yellow aspens waiting to be captured.