Is it possible to parallel compression with CD Architect 5.2? I do not see how run two effects chains in parallel. Is there an effect control that I can download and use to do it? I do have a directx->vst control so I could use VST if needed.
As you know, parallel compression (aka New York compression) is mixing a dry signal with a compressed signal. Why not do it inside whatever program you use for recording? There's a bunch of ways it can be done, depending on your daw program - using effects sends, sending a track to two busses with one having a compressor and sending those two busses to a master buss, etc.
Assuming you're making use of a DAW program and the CD Architect, why have the mastering stage occur within CD Architect? Isn't it more logical do do the mastering within the DAW, which is intended for audio manipulation, rather than in CD Architect, which is intended for burning CDs?
True, CD Architect is an amazingly capable program with an astounding array of features, but it's not a DAW.
.... and you shouldn't need a DAW for mastering ! Given that the multitrack side of things is already done, down to stereo. Generally.
I find CDA great for mastering a CD - being able to instantly hop around all over the 'disc'. However the serial 'always running' plugin structure makes CPU load a problem.
My next choice for mastering would be SF, will all tracks acroos workspace, but a bit messy.
Of course you can equally do it in your DAW, but again plugin load and messy layout a potential problem.
I guess everybody has their own preferred way of doing things....
Can ( and is) used for mastering, but with some limitations - the main one being that all the FX are running at the same time, making realtime preview with heavy FX spotty, and rendering the same taking a long time...
The procedure you are wanting to do requires , or a plugin with Parallel or Upward compression implemented within itself, or the second audio layer 'work-around'.