Particle Illusion for V10, full price?

farss wrote on 10/11/2010, 3:24 PM
OK, nice, can get a free six month lease on it with the V10 upgrade. Anyone know what it costs to buy this outright?
I don't have an issue with the idea of leasing software but like I suspect many here I tend to have a lot of tools that don't get used for long periods of time and PI would certainly be one.



Marvin_Herbold wrote on 10/11/2010, 3:48 PM
All you had to do was go to their website and click on their price list.

It is nearly $400 for the full version of Particle Illusion 3.0. A rip off considering how shoddy their UI is. I was disappointed - I thought I was getting the full version of PI for free with Vegas Pro 10 and it was only after I got the e-mail that I realized it was for a 6 month trial only. Boo.
farss wrote on 10/11/2010, 4:29 PM
"All you had to do was go to their website and click on their price list"

That I did however there's quite a range of options costing upto USD 800 if one wants the "pro emitters" hence my question. These seem currently only available for the AE bundle so I'm even more confused.

Something that works in V10 and AE would be nice. Obviously for serious work AE will still have many advantages over V10. So apart from the pricing I'm trying to get a handle on where all this leads to.

ingvarai wrote on 10/11/2010, 4:32 PM
While I might agree regarding the UI, PI has given me a seldom experience of being so fun to use that I sat up all night playing with it, and I havent done that often lately.
I opted for the seminar series, huge downbload. hope this was a good choice. Pity they did not mention that PI was only a trial.
alltheseworlds wrote on 10/11/2010, 4:33 PM
This "offer" has the same bad smell as all the trial period crapware on new laptops.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 10/11/2010, 4:56 PM
Pity they did not mention that PI was only a trial

They did in the e-mail but not on the site. I agree, major bummer.
farss wrote on 10/11/2010, 6:45 PM
To be fair, it is not a trial, well from the wording it is not.
You get a six month lease of a license. I assume you can renew the lease at the stated value of around $250.

Laurence wrote on 10/11/2010, 7:00 PM
Well had I known this, I would have gone for one of the other options. When does the six month period start? Am I best off waiting to install it until I have some use for it or should I install it right away so that I don't miss out on part of the trial period?
reberclark wrote on 10/11/2010, 8:29 PM
I've been using PI for awhile and if it's only $250 after the lease is up I'd say it's worth it. It's a blast to play with. Yes the GUI needs a little tweaking but it's manageable.

However, I opted for the SFX library Vols 6-10.
FilmingPhotoGuy wrote on 10/11/2010, 9:22 PM
I have been using PI for years now and love it. The UI is different but if you can use PTT's UI then PI is a breeze.
farss wrote on 10/11/2010, 9:58 PM
" if it's only $250 after the lease is up I'd say it's worth it."

Indeed except the wording in the email says:

GenArts Wondertouch particleIllusion: A six-month lease of this particle effects application. US $239.95 value

I take that to mean that a six months lease is worth US $239.95. It would be absurd to pay US $239.95 to lease something you could buy outright for US $250. Of course it may have meant to say the product is worth US $239.95 however I can find no further information on this.

On the other hand Trapcode Particular is US $379 and its a full 3D particle system.

LReavis wrote on 10/12/2010, 11:07 AM
as I've posted elsewhere, if I had it to do over again, I'd get Particular. I use PI, but really, really, REALLY, dislike it.

My problem? It almost never opens. It seems that any tiny change to my hardware will kill it. Recently, it appeared to be a HARDWARE DRIVER update that killed it - because of the absurd copy protection scheme that they use. I wouldn't swear to it, but it seems that even adding or removing hard disks - which I do all the time, with 10 or so usually connected to my machine - will require another activation.

Each activation is a time-killing, multi-step process. After after a such few activations, you'll need to call them on the phone. Really cuts into my productivity, so I usually save up all my planned PI projects and do them all at once. Whenever possible, I use alternative programs - for example, fog, in Google's free Sketchup.

My heartburn-earned advice: STAY AWAY FROM PARTICLE ILLUSION.
Byron K wrote on 10/12/2010, 12:29 PM
I was looking at Particular a while ago, it seems that it only works w/ AE. Is there a stand alone version I didn't see on the website? AE + Particular is way out of my price-range. Are you able to get Particular to work in Vegas Pro?
farss wrote on 10/12/2010, 1:38 PM
" Is there a stand alone version "


"Are you able to get Particular to work in Vegas Pro?"


Rory Cooper wrote on 10/12/2010, 10:18 PM
LReavis If PI fails to open you need to uncheck check for updates. In ALL PROGRAMES PI you will see it there. If not install PI 3.2

My net PC crashed so I am dong this from RAM
Byron K wrote on 10/12/2010, 11:53 PM
Posted by: farss, Date: 10/11/2010 6:58:38 PMM
On the other hand Trapcode Particular is US $379 and its a full 3D particle system.

OK so, total pricing for Particular:

AE CS5 about $750
Particular: $379
TOTAL: $1129 WOW!

I'd eventually like to get AE, the 3D particle system is really something I could use! If I could just get Particular for $379 that would be a good deal!
rsp wrote on 10/13/2010, 12:20 AM
still hoping Particle Illusion will going to be be a plugin to be used from the Vegas timeline ...
