Pencil Sketch Fx? Where is it now?

Grazie wrote on 9/5/2003, 12:51 PM
I'm sure I had this . . . errrmmm . . . anybody else had it or have lost it too?



dmcmeans wrote on 9/5/2003, 1:00 PM
A video plug-in, or a photoshop-style 8bf?

I'm sure I can lay my hands on lots of photoshop plug-ins that do this, but I've never seen a video plug-in for Vegas that does pencil sketch.

I'd be interested in seeing it if you (or someone else) finds it.

Grazie wrote on 9/5/2003, 1:49 PM
Hmmmm .. perhaps I'm losing my memory . . . I could have sworn it was in the FXs stuff I got sometime back . . . but there again mt memory is failing me . . and my memory is failing me . . . I could have sworn . . .[etc etc ]

Jessariah67 wrote on 9/5/2003, 4:06 PM
Seems I remember seeing a plugin that had posterize, etc. as preset options (of course, I can't find it now, so maybe I'm losing my memory, too)...could that be what you remember?
Chienworks wrote on 9/5/2003, 5:53 PM
Grazie, could you possibly be remembering this discussion?
Subject: cartoon/animation look effect to normal film???(rotoscoping)
JohnnyRoy wrote on 9/5/2003, 8:49 PM
I’ve never seen this effect in Vegas but I can tell you how to get really close. ;-)

Pencil Sketch:
This effect uses two video tracks containing the same video events, which are composited together in a parent / child relationship using a Bump Map with near maximum Intensity and Bump Height. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

Step 1. Select the event you want to make a pencil sketch
Step 2. Add a Black & White Video FX to the event and select the 100% Black and White preset
Step 3. Duplicate the video by copying it to the track above it.
Step 4. Enable the Make Compositing Parent relationship between the two video tracks
Step 5. Change the Parent Overlay Mode of the upper track to Custom and select Bump Map.
Step 6. In the Bump Map dialog, increase the Intensity and Bump Height to close to maximum (depending on the image). Fine-tune these settings for the effect you want.

This should give you a pretty convincing pencil sketch look. For extra bonus points add a Brightness and Contrast filter after the Black and White filter and you can really control the amount of detail that’s left in the Bumped image. You can get it down to just outlines if you'd like. If you don't use the Back and White filter it will look more like a pastel painting.

I should have this tutorial on my web site soon with sample images for ‘ya real soon.

filmy wrote on 9/5/2003, 9:36 PM
VV has never had this. Spice Master Plug has some nifty effects - not pencil drawing-ish but sort of funky colorization. After Effects has a great plug-in for doing this however - you get the whole Ah-Ha Take on Me vibe going.
shogo wrote on 9/5/2003, 11:48 PM
Johnny Roy works pretty damn good wven if you don't get black and white it's very similar to Photoshops sketch filter I think in some situations. Good tip!
RichR wrote on 9/6/2003, 12:24 AM
Do this, but don't apply the B&W filter. It's pretty awesome.
Grazie wrote on 9/6/2003, 1:22 AM
You Guys are great! - One: you've come up with a "How-To" and Two: you've reassured me I'm not loosing my marbles!! - Very important on both counts.

I do remember creating a PS fx sometime back - along the lines suggested above. However, when I got my FX package over Xmas 02 I really did think I got with the Newsprint and other FXs this PS one - very odd . . .

Anyways, back to all your suggestions and Kelly's "go see" option - I'll do both.

I'm using some subtle effects to fit a piece I'm doing on a trip I did to the hoiome of the Beatles - Liverpool. So I'm looking and creating some '60s type "nasty" film looks and so on - y'know what I mean!!! - Everything that DV has made good, I intend to "screw-up" with V4 - aint life weird?

mark30 wrote on 9/6/2003, 8:11 AM
Please have a look at this...

Is this what you mean?

Jessariah67 wrote on 9/6/2003, 8:21 AM
I'm still looking for that plugin that had "Posterize" as a preset. I'm sure I saw it just recently...Is it MY turn on the couch now that Grazie's cured?
JohnnyRoy wrote on 9/6/2003, 9:35 AM

I would have put the tutorial and a sample up on my web site but the program I use to maintain my site is a very old copy of NetObjects Fusion 5 and it crashed on me last night taking the local copy of my web site with it! Now I have to re-import my site from the live one but then you loose all the headers and navigation bars, etc., so I’m going to have to rebuild most of it. (yes, I had a backup but the backup was over a year old. :-( )

I think I’m going to use FrontPage this time because Fusion is just too scary if just one little data file gets corrupt it blows away your whole site. Thank goodness I had just rendered a preview last night before it blew up and have all the changes I made. I guess the lesson there is back up after making changes so you only loose the current session’s work.

> I'm still looking for that plugin that had "Posterize" as a preset.

Jessariah, Studio 8 has Posterize. Perhaps you have that program as well. I think Posterize is just limiting the colors to 16. You can probably get pretty close using the Levels filter and setting the input and output to be the same (around 0.3).

FadeToBlack wrote on 9/6/2003, 3:45 PM
filmy wrote on 9/6/2003, 4:21 PM
Not sure if anyone read my post - way down at the bottom - but anyhow:

Spice Master plug in has "Pixelan Chroma Warp" and you can do some nice "'60s type "nasty" film looks".

The "newsprint" plug-in is part of VV 4. it is there. I wasn't sure if you were saying you couldn't find it or not. ??

You could try the "swirl" filter for some groovy effects as well.
Chienworks wrote on 9/6/2003, 4:27 PM
WOW! That bump map does work very nicely for a pencil effect. All i did was place grey generated media on video track 2 and the clip i wanted to effect on video track 1, then composite them together with bump map. It's actually a little more like charcoal or pastel than pencil, but still very useful.

I'm terribly impressed!
JohnnyRoy wrote on 9/6/2003, 10:04 PM
I’ve been playing some more with this. Using the same composite with Bump Map, try keeping the original videos on Track 1 & 2 in color and then just add a Convolution Kernel with the Emboss preset on the upper Track 2. This gives a nice watercolor look with dark ink edges. Adds a lot of nice texture to the colors.

FadeToBlack wrote on 9/6/2003, 10:11 PM
JohnnyRoy wrote on 9/6/2003, 11:00 PM
Gary, Yes, sorry, I was doing it from memory and you’re right, although the upper track was the 2nd one I created, it is renumber as track 1 since 1 is always at the top. My mistake. Absolutely, it looks much better when applied to track 1, “the upper track”. ;-) Good catch! Thx,

mark30 wrote on 9/7/2003, 12:49 PM
Can anyone tell me if what I did comes close to what you guys are talking about?

Just have a quick look, I put it up here:

It's not the bump map, but another one I used..
Grazie wrote on 9/7/2003, 1:32 PM
Yes - I'm sure I either created a preset OR I saw this within SoFo - this latter statement has been heavily flattened by my friends here - so I must be incorrect . . .

But yes . . even more white and finer in its execution . .

shawnm wrote on 9/7/2003, 2:11 PM
Sorry to come into the conversation so late, but (and I know this is a long shot) is it possible that you were thinking about the Graphic Pen Effect in MS Producer (it's the only place I've ever seen this effect)? It might be worth a look - Producer is free to users of PowerPoint 2002, but it only spits out Windows Media Files, and you have to make your own custom encoding profiles to get a 720x480 video. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.


mark30 wrote on 9/7/2003, 3:01 PM
Anyway, I didn't use 'bump map' but 'height map'
(Amplitude 0.144, elevation 0.220, height scale 0.076 - smoothness 1 and alpha/flip checked. And of course transparent background for pixel handling)

In the parent-child department I only had a luminance mask with 'high in'at 0.426 and low out at 0.568..

Than I got this.. I'll try getting the lines thinner...
