Play Nice !!!

Siggi_Churchill wrote on 1/31/2000, 1:35 PM
To the Forum Community,

Can we all please refrain from personal attacks, name
calling and wild speculation as to the experience base of
any given author!!! It is both undignified and
unprofesional. Peter and others on this forum have been a
wealth of info and a great help please don't piss them off.

Yes, Vegas and other SF software have bugs and so does every
other piece of gear and software out there (take a good
look at your OS). Here are some real gems that I've run
across in 6 years of post production:

-If you pull a hard drive with a project still open on a
fairlight mfx3 you corrupt your media...unrecoverable!!!

-friends of mine up no cal have reported that pro-tools
version 5 is the buggiest thing they've ever seen and have
declared it unusable.

-I have seen pro tools completely corrupt projects with one
misclick of the mouse ("where are your b/ups" I asked.
"Backups?" they replied.

-my friends studio just got a new euphonix console (can't
remember which one) if you use the global trim function all
your faders slam down and it corrupts your

-You wanna talk anoying tedious procedure try setting up a
session on an AMS Neve Logic 2 digital console ($850,000).
By the way all that $850,000 gets you is a guy who will come
out to fix your software it doesn't eliminate the bugs!!!
(and this is proprietary software mind you)

Please keep discussions on a professional level.
If you feel someone is made a moronic post just ignore it
they'll get the hint I'm sure.


Parker9 wrote on 1/31/2000, 9:46 PM
A point well taken, but whining is sooo satisfying! :)

Andrew Linhart wrote:
>>To the Forum Community,
>>Can we all please refrain from personal attacks, name
>>calling and wild speculation as to the experience base of
>>any given author!!! It is both undignified and
>>unprofesional. Peter and others on this forum have been a
>>wealth of info and a great help please don't piss them off.
>>Yes, Vegas and other SF software have bugs and so does every
>> other piece of gear and software out there (take a good
>>look at your OS). Here are some real gems that I've run
>>across in 6 years of post production:
>>-If you pull a hard drive with a project still open on a
>>fairlight mfx3 you corrupt your media...unrecoverable!!!
>>-friends of mine up no cal have reported that pro-tools
>>version 5 is the buggiest thing they've ever seen and have
>>declared it unusable.
>>-I have seen pro tools completely corrupt projects with one
>>misclick of the mouse ("where are your b/ups" I asked.
>>"Backups?" they replied.
>>-my friends studio just got a new euphonix console (can't
>>remember which one) if you use the global trim function all
>>your faders slam down and it corrupts your
>>-You wanna talk anoying tedious procedure try setting up a
>>session on an AMS Neve Logic 2 digital console ($850,000).
>>By the way all that $850,000 gets you is a guy who will come
>>out to fix your software it doesn't eliminate the bugs!!!
>>(and this is proprietary software mind you)
>>Please keep discussions on a professional level.
>>If you feel someone is made a moronic post just ignore it
>>they'll get the hint I'm sure.
wgallant wrote on 1/31/2000, 10:36 PM
Actually, I don't think there was the slightest danger of that. After
perusing and participating in this forum for the better part of a
year, I am of the opinion that starting this thread was unnecessary
and an overreaction to an imaginary circumstance to begin

Keep in mind that some folks object more to self-appointed moderators
and arbiters of behaviour than they do to normal give and take in a
thread. :)


>>Whining is one thing and I'm all for it, I objected to the personal
>>tone some posts were begining to take on. I have seen Forums shut
>>down when they became nothing more than a place for people to abuse
>>each other.
Olaf_Prot wrote on 2/1/2000, 1:41 AM
>>I am of the opinion that starting this thread was unnecessary
>>and an overreaction to an imaginary circumstance to begin

Then let it die.

>>Keep in mind that some folks object more to self-appointed
>>and arbiters of behaviour than they do to normal give and take in a
>>thread. :)

It was just a comment, take it or leave it :)

'nuf said (You're right, I shouldn't have started this in the first