I have had a bug somewhere for some time or a device has become faulty. About as year ago Sound forge 6.0 crashed when I was burning a cd. It happened a few times but burned fine in cd architect. Which has never failed.
Then it started crashing if I processed a large multi gig file. I found if I defragged the drive with the working folder 6.0 worked better. Then it started crashing when I was recording in 6.0. I also discovered I could record in Vegas with no problem.
In an effort to isolate the problem I unplugged each and all IDE devices and uninstalled my sound card. No luck. I even reformatted the OS and all the software, no luck
I bought software to run load test on my computer to see if either HD , processor or memory is defected. Their tech support said my system is running about where it should be and that crashes usually are from bugs in device drivers.
The problem has gotten much worse. The computer crashes every time I process in 6.0 and the last time I used vegas
If it's bugs why would in continue to get worse and worse. I was thinking it could be my memory or my primary HD. I was told it's probably no either
please any ideas at all. I'll try anything