
rs170a wrote on 8/21/2005, 10:16 AM
Nice job Doc. I like the reflection.
One problem though. "Memorium" is actually spelled "Memoriam".

navydoc wrote on 8/21/2005, 10:25 AM
Just my spell checker in Vegas 8^)

This was a learning video for me to test out some ideas using Vegas. I wasn't sure if I could put two videos (one mirrored using track motion) on the clip. I also put a white to transparent gradient over the 'reflection' which seemed to work well too.

My previous experience with video editors has been with Studio 9 so Vegas has been a pleasant change.

Back to the drawing boards.

earthrisers wrote on 8/21/2005, 11:51 AM
Very nicely done (misspelling aside...)!
markrad wrote on 8/21/2005, 3:28 PM
I agree, nicely done. The choice of font, to me, didn't seem to fit the subject though.
CTJ wrote on 9/6/2005, 7:47 AM
Do you have a tutorial on completing your task?
richard-courtney wrote on 9/6/2005, 8:04 AM
Very good. I would tone down the reflection a bit, too bright.

Reminds me of my high school days when I played taps for
A.L. funerals..
laura-k wrote on 9/8/2005, 10:36 PM

I love you animation thing and I am pretty new to vegas .
I have a friends wedding i will be working on,later this month ,It will only be stills and i would love to open with something cool like this-
please tell me you have a tutorial or you will send me one........
navydoc wrote on 9/9/2005, 3:47 AM
Thanks for all the additional comments. I hadn't even thought of doing a tutorial as I'm a noob when it comes to Vegas. I'll try to come up with some images and a description of how I created this effect over the weekend and post a link to it at my website.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 9/9/2005, 4:54 AM
I can’t spell either. I thought it was excellent! ;-)

Not sure how you did it (there is always more than one way to accomplish a task in Vegas) but I have recreated it using 3D Track Motion to position the event in the frame, duplicating that track and flipping it vertically to create the reflection, and then adding a Radial Blur, Glow, and Border to the reflection track complete the illusion. Great idea! Thanks for sharing.

farss wrote on 9/9/2005, 6:15 AM
It's very good, make the reflection more transparent and maybe add a little flare to it and it'll be perfect. Also there should be a reflection of the frame in there.
CTJ wrote on 9/9/2005, 8:02 AM
what is your web address...i.e. email address.
rs170a wrote on 9/9/2005, 8:14 AM
I'll try to come up with some images and a description of how I created this effect ...>

Doc, how about posting the .veg file too? That way we could substitute our own images and play with it. I'm thinking that this would be a very nice effect for the grad video I do every year :-)

CTJ wrote on 9/9/2005, 11:30 AM
yes, please post veg file...

thanks...lovely work.
typo wrote on 9/9/2005, 1:26 PM
I have a friends wedding i will be working on,later this month

Laura, also check out GrafPak Wedding Animations.

Doc, great work! .veg would be sweet. Thanks.

navydoc wrote on 9/9/2005, 4:41 PM
I'd be happy to offer the veg file along with a description of how I did this effect (Johnnyroy was very close). As I'm not that familiar with the veg files, are there any other files I need to include? Wouldn't I need to include the image/audio files as well? Will put it together this weekend...just let me know if I need to include the seperate files as well as the veg.

I can be emailed at:

If anyone may be interested, here's a link to my working 40's era jukebox I did using PS 7:

My Jukebox
rs170a wrote on 9/9/2005, 5:33 PM
Doc, quite often a veg file is the only thing necessary as we can generally substitute our own files. Having said that (and speaking strictly for myself here), anything else you want to add (images, etc.) besides the veg file would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much for offering to do this.


p.s. I like your choiceof music on your jukebox :-)
johnmeyer wrote on 9/9/2005, 6:08 PM
I do a lot of still picture animation. As someone who is very familiar with what is involved, let me tell you I am very impressed.

Nice work.
Spot|DSE wrote on 9/10/2005, 1:53 PM
Click here to view NavyDoc's tutorial on how he accomplished the project, and you can download a veg with media as well.
Great job, NavyDoc!
navydoc wrote on 9/10/2005, 2:59 PM
Many thanks to DSE and VASST for hosting my tutorial. Too bad they couldn't check my grammer/spelling BEFORE I created the clip. 8^)

I hope the tute is helpful and understandable to all.

CTJ wrote on 9/10/2005, 9:00 PM
no veg file inside...just media.
Spot|DSE wrote on 9/10/2005, 9:07 PM
That would be our error, I hadn't noticed that the veg was separate from the image folder. It's been fixed, please try again.