
SonyEPM wrote on 3/4/2003, 12:35 PM
Help us reproduce this.

You are using what font, at what size?
The menu with the problem graphics menu is encoded at what bitrate?
Pal, NTSC, 4:3, 16:9?
You are viewing the DVD in what player?
Other DVDs on the same player look perfect true/false?
beatnik wrote on 3/4/2003, 12:43 PM

Tried many fonts at different sizes.
I am not sure of the bitrate, I will look into this and get back to you.
I am burning NTSC at 4:3
The players are a Toshiba and the XBOX
Other DVD's look great! I even used Sonic DVDiT PE and the graphics and text were

Do you think it IS the bitrate? This is the part of the game that confuses me. Do
you have any bitrate suggestions? Can you give me any suggestions as to how to setup
the DVD-A to create a "clean" disk? I will try this out and let you know.


melomano wrote on 3/4/2003, 2:00 PM
I'm having that same problem.
Fonts and fontsize have been variable, as has been the color of the font.
Players have been an Arcam DV88, and a couple Sony's at a friends electronic shop.
The burn has been PAL 4:3, with the menus rendered at the defaut bitrate of 8 Mbps, burnt on a Sony DRU 500.
Some of the DVDs have had such bad menus I'm keeping the final version (before DVD buildup) still on HD to burn them again - that is wasting valuable HD space; one of the projects, an Opera with submenus CD libretto style, has the lines totally unreadable (18 points in size).
Comercial DVDs have splendid menus, and so do DVDs built usind DVDit PE (but this prog is a pain in the neck to build menus and chapter points).
Hope this issue is addressed in the coming update.
beatnik wrote on 3/4/2003, 3:31 PM

I did a few test with text fonts in DVD-A menus.

I created a quick movie with 2 menus and on those menus I placed the phrase

"MENU SELECTION" I used the font "bazooka" at 72 points and I noticed the phrases
with a bright green colour were not crisp and the phrases with plain white were
perfect. Could be that bright colours do not work well. Oh yeah, one of the phrases
I also had it at 30 points with bright green and it too was of poor quality.
Johnny7777 wrote on 3/4/2003, 4:33 PM
Beatnik, Giasou re!

Sent you a note in your last response thanks for your input on the advc-100. You're in Toronto as well. Well, send me a note at my email, did you get the advc-100 what are you using to capture? Reply to my yahoo address thanks.
teknal wrote on 3/4/2003, 5:50 PM
Hi SonicEPM,

Just to let you know I contacted SoFo tech support under my 60 days free support around the 12th of Feb. I sent him a DV frame capture coming back from my Apex through an ADVC-100 to show the blocky menu image. I also sent a short avi capture of the blocky menu because when I press "menu" on my remote the screen clears up and looks good and then reverts to blocky. He then asked for the VIDEO_TS.IFO & .VOB files and I sent that in to him. I also offered to send the appropriate files from a similar project created from within Ulead DVD Movie Factory but never heard back from him after that. I can send you these same files if you are interested. I'm a little dissapointed that my free tech support will run out before I can even use DVDA since it's not usable for me at this time or else all my discs would be blocky and video would skip.

doboyd wrote on 3/5/2003, 1:34 AM
This is one of the issues stopping me using DVDA. I find that even the background images flicker badly as well, why is this?? I'm using PAL 4:3 default 8Mbps. If I use background images from Ulead DVD MF2 the flickering is only slight noticable. I don't understand this when DVD MF 2 has perfect background and text on the same 4 DVD players (Apex 1000, 5131, Singer SGD001 and Maganavox MDVD100). Text is ariel, comic sans, verduna etc. One DVD player, the Singer SGD001 will not play back any mneu items, there is no highlighting. I have used DVD Complete, but it also suffers from poor menu and text flickering, and its menu navigation is not as good as DVD MF2.

If DVDA had the menu, text playback & navigation of DVD MF 2 I would be very happy (also the same compatibility as the other authoring progs on my DVD players).