Powercore anyone?

farss wrote on 3/30/2005, 2:14 PM
After all the VST noise lately I'd like to know if anyones using the external Powercore unit over 1394. Seems removed enough from the PC to be pretty safe but who knows. Main reason I'm looking at this unit is it seems it's the only way to run the Sony Oxford plugs. If I'm wrong in that assumption is anyone running those plugs in Vegas/SF? I'm initally most interested in their noise reduction tool.

PS. Pretty whacky that I've got to ask about running a Sony plug in a Sony app, Oxford isn't that far removed from Madison in this day and age.


Sonic wrote on 4/1/2005, 11:29 AM
I have a PCI PowerCore and it runs the Oxford plug-ins as advertised.

But, as stated at www.sonyplugins.com, the Noise Reduction tools are not yet available for PowerCore. PT only.

As I understand it, the Oxford group is fairly autonomous. But they do have a nice Visitors section where you can make your desires known.

PipelineAudio wrote on 4/1/2005, 12:18 PM
how bout vegas only versions of sony plugs?
farss wrote on 4/1/2005, 1:26 PM
That'd make a lot of sense. We bought a VAIO and it came with Premiere LT and the Oxford plugs.
patrickharris wrote on 4/14/2005, 1:49 PM
The Sony Oxford Restoration plugin is excellent, but unfortunately it only runs under Protools. Apparently there is a problem porting it to powercore, and even PrTools DSP chips.