Praise for the My Software page

TorS wrote on 5/11/2007, 5:02 AM
Parts of the content on my C disk evaporated a couple of weeks ago. I managed to restore bootability so I could prepare for a replacement. But lots of stuff went away, and yes, no backup! All the emails with serial number to all my software were gone, so I had to contact all these companies and verify my rights to get the programs re-installed. Many of these purchases go back 3 or 4 email addresses so it was hard to figure out how to be recognised.
Luckily, Sony has a great system of keeping a record of my software rights, right there on this forum. I just have to reinstall the programs, copy the serial number from my account page and I am back in business. Thank you, whoever it was who came up with that idea. But still, I'll be backuping from now on. Tomorrow.


epirb wrote on 5/11/2007, 9:00 AM
Agreed, plus that it has links to download all the software from thise pages as well is huge!
The only thing I wish they would incorporate is that info with their tech support. its a pain in the a#$ to fill out all that info when submitting a report when most of that info they have on "that" page as well as the page that we put our specs on ala the sticky thread on this forum.
PeterWright wrote on 5/11/2007, 9:52 AM
Yes, it's good to remember and recognise the fact that we belong to a thoughtful software community, at both ends.
Points taken re. tech support, though - Sony know automatically who I am when I buy a new version or product - please extend this functionality to Support.
Coursedesign wrote on 5/11/2007, 9:53 AM
All the emails with serial number to all my software were gone, so I had to contact all these companies and verify my rights to get the programs re-installed. Many of these purchases go back 3 or 4 email addresses so it was hard to figure out how to be recognised.

That's why you get a free Yahoo and a free Google account, and anytime you get an e-mail with a serial number, activation number, etc., you forward it to your Yahoo and Google accounts.

Yahoo and Google are responsible for the backup, they have been reliable in the past, and they haven't had much in the way of security problems. On top of that, the price is right, and even if your house is flooded or earthquaked out of existence, you will still have that information available (to your next of kin if necessary :O).

Do not use Hotmail for this (or any other) purpose. It is a free service, but on top of frequent long outages, they have had major security breaches, including hackers in India finding that they could pull passwords for any account by logging in with just a long URL (that particular one has been fixed) and more.

Chienworks wrote on 5/11/2007, 3:16 PM
What i do is create a .txt file in the same directory as the downloads and put in there my serial numbers, download links, etc. Then when i've got a complete set of current versions (Vegas 7, Acid 6, Sound Forge 8, DVDA 4) i burn all these to a CD. That way everything i need to reinstall is right there in one package. Of course, i started doing this many years ago long before SONY had the "My Software" page, but i still keep it up out of habit. Who knows ... i might have to do a reinstall someday while my internet connection is out, or while i'm at a remote location.

If i could wish for something more on that page, i'd like a comment box i could fill in. The Sound Forge, Vegas, and Noise Reduction licenses that my church owns are in my name on my software page. I forget which are whose. I imagine there are folks who have lots of licenses at schools or corporations and it would be handy if each license could be tagged with "HP workstation in Bob's cubicle", for example. Of course, i could keep track of that myself too, i suppose.
TorS wrote on 5/12/2007, 12:05 AM
In a .txt file, easily. Kelly, it is a good idea to store the serials with the downloads. In my case, alas, the downloads folder went awol. It probably should not have been on C: in the first place.

What happened was that one morning Windows would not start. I did not try safe mode, but booted from an old win 98 SE diskette and ran Scandisk. Scandisk then started converting what must have been good files to garbage, filling up the disk entirely, telling me it had run out of space. I deleted the garbage and it just went on. Still don't know what went wrong originally.

UlfLaursen wrote on 5/12/2007, 4:11 AM
"What i do is create a .txt file in the same directory as the downloads and put in there my serial numbers, download links, etc. "

Me too - I always do that and copy the info to the install CD / DVD too.

GenJerDan wrote on 5/12/2007, 6:34 AM
And hard copy of all my logins, passwords, and serial numbers.

I've yet to have my filing cabinet crash. :^)
TheHappyFriar wrote on 5/12/2007, 8:22 AM
i keep SN/activation e-mails on a web-based e-mail (yahoo) AND on my HD. It's very useful... as long as I can get net access. :) (i occasionally backup the copies on my HD to CD).