Preset morphing help...

SHTUNOT wrote on 7/7/2003, 12:17 PM
I have created two presets in izotopes spectron and would like to have them "morph from one to the other. Like measure 1 starts off with preset 1 and by measure 9 it will have morphed to preset 2 over time.

Can someone go into detail on how to do this. Little busy today so I can't tweak as much as I'd like to.




SHTUNOT wrote on 7/7/2003, 12:47 PM
WOW it can really get confusing looking at ALL the options to automate in the Fx automation chooser window. I want to just morph the filter module from one to another but don't know which to select. I've selected all but I don't know where to go from here.

Plus one bug:

If you "select ALL" in the FX chooser and then select "none" you will still SEE envelope lines in the track. Though when you click on them you get a weird name.

BTW...I'm doing this all in acid but I'll test it in vegas as well.

Anyway of organizing the fx chooser so that I can see everything per "module selected" or bracked off so that I know which "group" of checkboxs pertain to a certain catagory of the plugin. Am I making sense.

Maybe from the plugin gui a right click option that lets you select "add fx automation envelope" for that object. OR entire module. This way if I wanted to open spectron and want to add the morph module ALL I would have to do is just right click and select "add fx envelopes" for that module and done. PLUS it would be nice to have a "pulldown" for it also so I could select individual items from that module.

For plugins with a couple of parameters its easy. But with izotope stuff I'm completely freakin' lost.

SHTUNOT wrote on 7/7/2003, 12:58 PM
Also how about if I only have ONE module open/selected when I go to the fx auto chooser I only see what is active?

Or that group/area of chooser "highlighted".

SonyJEV wrote on 7/7/2003, 3:11 PM

First on "preset morphing" as of the last I heard Izotope plug-ins do not support the auomation recording interface that we use to edit envelopes when a plug-ins parameters change internally, so this will not work until they do...

While I like your ideas, there simply aren't facilities available at this time to accomplish most of what you want (ie. the means of communicating these things between plug-in and hosts do not exist, would need to be thought out and agreed upon between host and plug-in developers, and then apps and plug-ins would need to be updated... so probably no resolution for these issues in the near future.)

Izotope generally does a pretty good job of ordering there parameters so that they have some logical grouping, however Spectron has 184 parameters so it can still get a bit unwieldy (haven't played with this plug-in much, but unless the routing between modules inside Spectron is sophisticated I wonder if it wouldn't be more usable to have the modules as separate plug-ins...)

Erik_from_iZotope wrote on 7/7/2003, 4:53 PM
Hi All,

Morphing between presets isn't something we support directly. The way you'd need to do it is keep track of what you're going from and to (i.e. what are you changing for a parameter, and then envelope automate that). Which, as you say, if you're changing every parameter in Spectron would be overwhelming. But hopefully the morphing is really only changing a few parameters (?)

In any event, the other suggestions you have I appreciate. As Jay said, it's tough because changes require support on both sides, but we're always open to new plug-in ideas from hosts.

The reason fwiw that we can't have the modules as separate plug-ins is because the first thing Spectron does is split up the audio into 1024 bands or so, then do all the effects, then recombine it back to a signal you can hear. So if the modules became separate effects, you'd need to split and recombine multiple times, and besides not sounding as good the CPU would be a huge requirement (like running 5 Spectrons or so)

>haven't played with this plug-in much,

Send an email to and I'll get you one. Least we can do for someone from Sonic Foundry that's helping out users.

iZotope, Inc.
SHTUNOT wrote on 7/8/2003, 12:20 PM
>>>Morphing between presets isn't something we support directly.<<<

Then I ask for this feature in a update/upgrade...please ;)

>>>But hopefully the morphing is really only changing a few parameters (?)<<<

Yes I wanted to morph with only the filter module active.[second from the left. And have it "morph" from two different preset in a 9 measure duration.

To achieve something like this I have to have 4 separate tracks going. All the same stereo wave.{first is the original,the rest copys...right click track and select "duplicate track"]

First three have different presets and the last is the "clean" audio file with no effect. With a little fade in/out trick between files I achieve a cool effect like morphing.

The BIG issue is looking in the FX automation chooser. Could you guys label it so that it can be "idiot proof" of which BLOCK of checkboxs are for each module? I'm starting to figure out which is which but what a challenge when you have soooooooo much control of your plugin.

Like have it that there is a space with a header for each module. Or for each block of checkboxs you have in [ ] the name of which module your effecting. Anything that when your tired and drinking your 4th cup of coffee to finish this tweak it doesn't feel like figuring out a patchbay that someone else patched together to find the "zap" in your audio.[had to be there]

IOW more user friendly.

Again please support the morph feature soon as well. Plus as a bonus it would be great to move a parameter from the plugins gui to right automation as well.



BTW...Can someone walk me through how to preset morph from a plugin that CAN do it. I can here and see the idea in my head but can't figure out how to get it done.

The plugins I own are from: izotope,PSP,wavearts,cakewalk,sonic timeworks,sofo,bbe sonic maximizer,clone ensemble,OHM Force Fromage.
SonyJEV wrote on 7/8/2003, 5:16 PM

All the Sonic Foundry plug-ins that shipped with Vegas 4/ACID 4.0c support writing automation back to the host.

So you could use the Track EQ for example, select whatever parameters you want to "morph" or all of them (yeah with something like Spectron you probably don't want to select all those parameters).

Put the edit cursor where you want the first preset to take affect and select that preset.

Now move the edit cursor to where you want the next preset to be and select the second preset.

That's all... except that it's probably handier to select the first preset before you add the automation envelopes since they will be created with the parameters current value.

Also you can edit single envelopes at the edit cursor by changing the parameter in the plug-ins UI. This might be handier than using the envelope drop down menu's Set To option if you had a bunch of eg. resonant filter frequencies you wanted set to precise values at various times...

Erik_from_iZotope wrote on 7/11/2003, 1:56 PM
>Then I ask for this feature in a update/upgrade...please ;)

Request duly noted :-)

>FX Automation - Like have it that there is a space with a header for each module. Or for each block of checkboxs you have in [ ] the name of which module your effecting.

Understood and noted again. The convention we provide is to try to start the name of the parameter with the module (e.g. Filt: is the filter module) but I can see how we could make this better as you say.
