print to tape problem

chucktrade wrote on 7/6/2001, 2:59 PM
I am trying to print to tape from VC 2.0e and can't get any video to the tape. All of the camera controls work fine with the exception of record. The video plays on the computer monitor but alas no video goes to the camera. I have tried two different canon cameras, neither worked. My DV card is an Orange Micro IEE1394/Ethernet card running under Win2K, SP1. Does any one out there have any ideas. I really like the way VV works but getting stuff out to tape has been the SH*TS !


SonyEPM wrote on 7/6/2001, 3:12 PM
I am going to assume you have been able to capture from these cameras using Vidcap 2.0e.

To output:
Make sure your Vegas project is rendered using the "NTSC DV" avi template.

Load that file into Vidcap- and preview to device- you should now see video on your camera.

That's how it should work if everything is setup correctly-
chucktrade wrote on 7/6/2001, 3:35 PM
The captures were done in Rex Edit / Rex Capture and then edited in VV and rendered with the NTSC DV template (99% sure, will double check that) let you know what the results are
SonyEPM wrote on 7/6/2001, 4:11 PM
if you want to print to tape with Sonic Foundry Vidcap, use the NTSC DV template. If you want to print back with Canopus, you'll need to render to specific Canopus settings (see their docs for info).