I have made many dual layer DVDs in the past, but I think I must have always had a chapter marker that was suitable for a layer break. This time, it is not so. It could also be that I have forgotten something. 😕
I can prepare a DVD folder without problems, but when I go to burn it to a disc, DVD Architect tells me to insert a chapter marker for the layer break within a certain time range. I have 8 chapters (buttons) on my scene selection page, and the layer break range lies between buttons 4 and 5.
I exit the burn process and insert a chapter marker within this range, at the junction of two source clips where the scene will jump anyway.
This new marker now appears as a button on my scene selection menu page where chapter 5 button used to be, and chapters 5 to 7 buttons now occupy the sites of buttons 6 to 8, and button 8 is lost.
What to do?
I could delete my scene selection page and create a new one with 9 buttons, then delete the spurious 5th button and tidy everything up, but this represents a lot of work (but probably less than the fiddling around that I have already done looking for an easier way.)
The manual says, in the Preparing and Burning DVD chapter, "If you're preparing and burning a dual-layer disc, the Choose Layer Break Behavior page is displayed to allow you to choose whether you want to choose a layer break or allow the software to choose a break for you.", etc.
This does not happen.
I get the same behaviour whether I use Sony DVD Architect 5.2 or Magix DVD Architect 7.0.