problem with WAV files background menu media/bug ?

Jumping Rascal wrote on 12/8/2012, 5:05 PM
With DVDA 5.2, I was able to put a .wav file as the background audio media file for a menu without any problems to and including the burning level. With DVDA 6.0, the .wav file will be accepted when inserted (sounds fine in the preview) however when preparing the DVD the .wav file compresses and does not play when burned to the DVD (or played via the temporary iso file). The rest of the project works but there is silence at the menu level. I experimented a bit by using different wav files as background media with 5.2 and 6.0 with the same preference settings and each time, the earlier version worked while the new one did not. WAV files are supposed to be compliant according to the documentation. It is easy of course to get around it by opening the wav file in vegas and then creating an .ac3 file (which works perfectly in DVDA 6.0) but this extra step shouldn't be necessary.


musicvid10 wrote on 12/8/2012, 7:18 PM
Although AC3 is more efficient use of your disc space, this sounds like a bug. A support ticket would seem to be in order.
Ben Nash wrote on 12/10/2012, 4:13 PM
I've had the same problem with menus in Blu-Ray projects.

Mine is a 5.1 Surround project, and I started with AC3 menu audio, 640Kbps, 6 chan. The menu audio would not play in the burned BD, so I checked the M2TS file for the menu and saw that the audio was flatlined.

Since then I've tried a number of different permutations: WAV, AC3, stereo, 5.1 surround, single menu, multiple menu, different sampling rates for the menu audio. In all cases, the menu audio was flatlined in the output M2TS files.

For projects with multiple menus, I noticed that menu durations for the second and subsequent menus also were not consistent with the durations in the project. While the first menu's duration was correct at about 1m 30s (auto-calculated from the menu audio), the duration of the other menus was one or two seconds, as opposed to the auto-calculated durations of about 1m 30s.

I'm going to try uninstalling DVDA 6.0 build 237 and reinstalling the latest build of version 5.2 I have. That's about the only permutation I haven't tried yet.

It does seem as though something is broken with DVDA 6.0 menu rendering.
Cristian Torrent wrote on 12/27/2012, 10:24 AM
Yep, burned a project with 6.0 & no menu music.

Burning with 5.2,menu music is playing.

Makes 6.0 POINTLESS!

Arthur.S wrote on 12/27/2012, 1:28 PM
Yep, I'm just going to uninstall 6.0. A waste of space.
Cristian Torrent wrote on 12/28/2012, 5:32 AM
And guess what,the usual standard support reply "busy" so best go watch paint dry whilst we wait for any response that means anythig from support.