Ed, I've downloaded your Test Script from the Feb 21 getting started videos. It's a self-contained solution. So hopefully there's no risk of contamination from the solution I've been working on for a while. I did have to re-add the reference to my ScriptPortal.Vegas dll in the new project. But it built fine after that. Then, following the steps in the video, I changed the 'start external program' in the project properties to my Vegas 22 exe file. When I click 'Start' or press F5, there's a bit of flashing and a brief red bar at the bottom that goes away immediately. Then I get a message in the output pane: "The program '[#####]' vegas220.exe has exited with a code 0 (0x0)". It exits instantly like there's a serious problem. But then give a 0 RC (?). Any ideas what would cause this behavior?
I've been getting this exact situation on my primary VS solution/projects ever since I started trying to debug inside of Vegas. Vegas exits almost immediately. No logo or long wait to load, etc. I've copy/pasted the program name field and the command line arguments field into a Windows command prompt, and Vegas opens fine along with the script running as well. So it's not the exe or the parms.
I still have Vegas 21 installed on this machine. So I just did a quick test on 21. Same thing. And it appears that it doesn't even get to the point of reading the command line args. Same thing no matter what is in the command line args (or even a blank field there).
BTW... if I add a "Main" method to a script cs file in a project, VS starts it up fine (up to the point where it expects a 'myVegas' instance) if I set the debug property to 'start project'.
This, along with the weird error from the other thread, all point to issues with VS. But I have a hard time believing that problems like this would still be hanging around a very mature and popular product like VS. So I'm wondering if there are some sorts of configuration that I'm missing. Anybody got any clues? I'm not thrilled about having to download and set up a VS 2015 environment just to compare results. But I will do that if that's the recommended path. I just want to get all of these problems figured out so I can get back to original task of writing scripts....