proxy file creation takes long time vs Adobe Premiere

marcinzm wrote on 6/29/2022, 9:38 AM



I have Sony FX3 camera and I record video files in 4:2:2 4K 50p 200 Mbps 10 Mbps bitrate in SLOG3 flat profile.

I have PC: Intel i9 790X CPU, 128GB RAM and Nvidia RTX 2080TI and two M.2 flash discs and two SSD drives.

When I try to play nonproxy video files in Vegas Pro 19, the video is not playing smoothly.

I need to create proxy files of them to play these files smoothly in Vegas Pro 19.


My friend has PC which contains 3950x CPU and 3070TI GPU and 64GB RAM, but it has Adobe Premiere.

He can play these video files smoothly without needing to create proxy files in Adobe Premiere.


Is it a failure of Vegas Pro 19? Can I do something inside my PC, change settings or whatever to let play these files in Vegas Pro 19 without needing to create proxy files. I have much efficient PC than my friend, but I am unable to play these video files smoothly in Vegas Pro 19 without creating proxy files.


Another problem is that proxy files creation in VP19 for these videos takes very long time. Approximately these video files which has 4 hours duration are processing to proxy files for about 11-24 hours. It is extremely long time for creating proxy files.

Can I speed up these proxy files creation or change some VP19 settings to enhance proxy files creation?


Thank you for you replies




Last changed by marcinzm

If you are bored, drink water, you will want to pee. -> Albert Einstein - my idol!

I am 42. I have been creating videos since 2009 (the date when my first daughter was born in). My first video software was Pinnacle, next one was Sony Vegas 8 (I am not sure if remember it correctly). I am also a developer and wedding movie operator and editor. For example: I have created an Android app which let me control Vegas Pro rendering progress level on Android smartphone. I created it for fun, because I also love programming. I also created my own plugin for Audio To Text feature specified usage from Vegas Pro 19. I created proxy creation plugin which uses multiple GPU threads (maximum 3) to create proxy files for Vegas Pro. I also written many others plugin/softwares which enhance my video editing, also wedding editing.

Camera/video camera: Sony FX3, Sony A7 III, Sony FDR AX 100, Canon 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero Black 7,8,9,10

Lenses for Sony: Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III , Sony 24mm gm 1.4 FE, Sony 20 mm G FE 1.8

Lenses for Canon: Canon EF 24-70 mm F/2.8 L USM, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L

Drone: DJI Mavic 3 & DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0


Editing: Vegas Pro 20 (365) with a lot of third party plugins, also my own plugins written in C#



CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.31 GHz

RAM: 128 GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI

storage: 4 SSD drives (including two M.2 flash drives) and two HDD drives

Windows system: 10 Home edition


j-v wrote on 6/29/2022, 9:58 AM

Before trying to give answers, can you show here screenshots of

1. Options/Preferences/Video
2. Options/Preferences/File I/O
3. Result of Help/Check for Drivers Update

met vriendelijke groet

Camera : Pan X900, GoPro Hero7 Hero Black, DJI Osmo Pocket, Samsung Galaxy A8
Desktop :MB Gigabyte Z390M, W11 home version 24H2, i7 9700 4.7Ghz,16 DDR4 GB RAM, Gef. GTX 1660 Ti with driver
566.14 Studiodriver and Intel HD graphics 630 with driver
Laptop  :Asus ROG Str G712L, W11 home version 23H2, CPU i7-10875H, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Studiodriver 566.14 and Intel UHD Graphics 630 with driver
Vegas software: VP 10 to 22 and VMS(pl) 10,12 to 17.
TV      :LG 4K 55EG960V

My slogan is: BE OR BECOME A STEM CELL DONOR!!! (because it saved my life in 2016)


Former user wrote on 6/29/2022, 9:50 PM

My friend has PC which contains 3950x CPU and 3070TI GPU and 64GB RAM, but it has Adobe Premiere.

He can play these video files smoothly without needing to create proxy files in Adobe Premiere.


Is it a failure of Vegas Pro 19? Can I do something inside my PC, change settings or whatever to let play these files in Vegas Pro 19 without needing to create proxy files. I have much efficient PC than my friend, but I am unable to play these video files smoothly in Vegas Pro 19 without creating proxy files.

Vegas is the problem. You can transcode to a intermediate format that plays back better, but people often don't like the large sizes, and 4 hours of media is going to be very large.


Another problem is that proxy files creation in VP19 for these videos takes very long time. Approximately these video files which has 4 hours duration are processing to proxy files for about 11-24 hours. It is extremely long time for creating proxy files.

Can I speed up these proxy files creation or change some VP19 settings to enhance proxy files creation?

I don't think so, people have suggested an option for AVC proxies that can be generated using hardware encoder

I tried using the stand alone blackmagix proxy generator for similar file to yours, the speed of operation is much more reasonable, it also has a 10bit HEVC option, but you'd have to test how that works. The proxies are made for easy playback so might work, otherwise there is the 8bit AVC options 640p or 1080P. This app is not essential ofcourse, but it is simple.

EDIT: (mute audio - unrelated)

*BM proxy generator app requires full install of BM Resolve(free edition)

marcinzm wrote on 6/30/2022, 2:13 AM

@j-v I attach screenshots of my Vegas settings. I don`t think that the problem is because of I don`t have latest drivers installed. Problem has been exisiting for a very long time.


If you are bored, drink water, you will want to pee. -> Albert Einstein - my idol!

I am 42. I have been creating videos since 2009 (the date when my first daughter was born in). My first video software was Pinnacle, next one was Sony Vegas 8 (I am not sure if remember it correctly). I am also a developer and wedding movie operator and editor. For example: I have created an Android app which let me control Vegas Pro rendering progress level on Android smartphone. I created it for fun, because I also love programming. I also created my own plugin for Audio To Text feature specified usage from Vegas Pro 19. I created proxy creation plugin which uses multiple GPU threads (maximum 3) to create proxy files for Vegas Pro. I also written many others plugin/softwares which enhance my video editing, also wedding editing.

Camera/video camera: Sony FX3, Sony A7 III, Sony FDR AX 100, Canon 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero Black 7,8,9,10

Lenses for Sony: Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III , Sony 24mm gm 1.4 FE, Sony 20 mm G FE 1.8

Lenses for Canon: Canon EF 24-70 mm F/2.8 L USM, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L

Drone: DJI Mavic 3 & DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0


Editing: Vegas Pro 20 (365) with a lot of third party plugins, also my own plugins written in C#



CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.31 GHz

RAM: 128 GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI

storage: 4 SSD drives (including two M.2 flash drives) and two HDD drives

Windows system: 10 Home edition

marcinzm wrote on 6/30/2022, 2:53 AM

@Former user can you write me where I can download BM Resolve (free ediiton)? I have just installed Davinci Resolve (free edition) and I can not find BM proxy generator app? 😔

If you are bored, drink water, you will want to pee. -> Albert Einstein - my idol!

I am 42. I have been creating videos since 2009 (the date when my first daughter was born in). My first video software was Pinnacle, next one was Sony Vegas 8 (I am not sure if remember it correctly). I am also a developer and wedding movie operator and editor. For example: I have created an Android app which let me control Vegas Pro rendering progress level on Android smartphone. I created it for fun, because I also love programming. I also created my own plugin for Audio To Text feature specified usage from Vegas Pro 19. I created proxy creation plugin which uses multiple GPU threads (maximum 3) to create proxy files for Vegas Pro. I also written many others plugin/softwares which enhance my video editing, also wedding editing.

Camera/video camera: Sony FX3, Sony A7 III, Sony FDR AX 100, Canon 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero Black 7,8,9,10

Lenses for Sony: Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III , Sony 24mm gm 1.4 FE, Sony 20 mm G FE 1.8

Lenses for Canon: Canon EF 24-70 mm F/2.8 L USM, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L

Drone: DJI Mavic 3 & DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0


Editing: Vegas Pro 20 (365) with a lot of third party plugins, also my own plugins written in C#



CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.31 GHz

RAM: 128 GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI

storage: 4 SSD drives (including two M.2 flash drives) and two HDD drives

Windows system: 10 Home edition

3POINT wrote on 6/30/2022, 2:56 AM

@marcinzm I have almost same GPU (see my signature) as you and have fluent preview of 4k50 AVC at preview best/full. Any reason for setting dynRAM to 0 instead of default? dynRAM 0 hampers preview.

marcinzm wrote on 6/30/2022, 3:10 AM

@3POINT I have been using Vegas since Vegas Pro 9 or earlier. In the past when I had dynRAM larger than 0, it hangs my PC or crash Vegas. I don`t rememeber exactly what problem I had after setting dynRAM larger than 0. When I set dynRAM to 0, it didn't crash Vegas / didn't hang my PC. In the past I had also another PC, so I got used to set 0 in dynRAM. What value should I set in dynRAM when I had 128GB RAM? What does dynRAM value means?

Last changed by marcinzm on 6/30/2022, 3:12 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

If you are bored, drink water, you will want to pee. -> Albert Einstein - my idol!

I am 42. I have been creating videos since 2009 (the date when my first daughter was born in). My first video software was Pinnacle, next one was Sony Vegas 8 (I am not sure if remember it correctly). I am also a developer and wedding movie operator and editor. For example: I have created an Android app which let me control Vegas Pro rendering progress level on Android smartphone. I created it for fun, because I also love programming. I also created my own plugin for Audio To Text feature specified usage from Vegas Pro 19. I created proxy creation plugin which uses multiple GPU threads (maximum 3) to create proxy files for Vegas Pro. I also written many others plugin/softwares which enhance my video editing, also wedding editing.

Camera/video camera: Sony FX3, Sony A7 III, Sony FDR AX 100, Canon 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero Black 7,8,9,10

Lenses for Sony: Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III , Sony 24mm gm 1.4 FE, Sony 20 mm G FE 1.8

Lenses for Canon: Canon EF 24-70 mm F/2.8 L USM, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L

Drone: DJI Mavic 3 & DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0


Editing: Vegas Pro 20 (365) with a lot of third party plugins, also my own plugins written in C#



CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.31 GHz

RAM: 128 GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI

storage: 4 SSD drives (including two M.2 flash drives) and two HDD drives

Windows system: 10 Home edition

Former user wrote on 6/30/2022, 3:14 AM

@Former user can you write me where I can download BM Resolve (free ediiton)? I have just installed Davinci Resolve (free edition) and I can not find BM proxy generator app? 😔

Yeah that's my fault. I forgot that I've been using the Beta for the last couple of months, it's the latest and final beta of Resolve18. I have the studio(paid) version but from the release notes it does appear to say it's available to free users

The most valuable and interesting thing about this transcoder is the very low amount of stress it puts on the SO4 GPU decoder. Many slow downs especially at edit points are due to SO4 decoder causing GPU decoder to load literally hundreds of frames that are never processed and further cause the lagging. You should not see that behavior with this media, although the 1080P HEVC 10bit encodes will have some lag on edits, but that seems to come down to 10bits and Vegas, it still is very editable


marcinzm wrote on 6/30/2022, 3:55 AM

@Former user I have installed Davinci Resolve 18 beta and Black Magic Proxy Generated installed, but it requires licencse key.

Can I register the software and get activiation key for free or I need to pay for it?


Last changed by marcinzm on 6/30/2022, 3:55 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

If you are bored, drink water, you will want to pee. -> Albert Einstein - my idol!

I am 42. I have been creating videos since 2009 (the date when my first daughter was born in). My first video software was Pinnacle, next one was Sony Vegas 8 (I am not sure if remember it correctly). I am also a developer and wedding movie operator and editor. For example: I have created an Android app which let me control Vegas Pro rendering progress level on Android smartphone. I created it for fun, because I also love programming. I also created my own plugin for Audio To Text feature specified usage from Vegas Pro 19. I created proxy creation plugin which uses multiple GPU threads (maximum 3) to create proxy files for Vegas Pro. I also written many others plugin/softwares which enhance my video editing, also wedding editing.

Camera/video camera: Sony FX3, Sony A7 III, Sony FDR AX 100, Canon 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero Black 7,8,9,10

Lenses for Sony: Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III , Sony 24mm gm 1.4 FE, Sony 20 mm G FE 1.8

Lenses for Canon: Canon EF 24-70 mm F/2.8 L USM, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L

Drone: DJI Mavic 3 & DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0


Editing: Vegas Pro 20 (365) with a lot of third party plugins, also my own plugins written in C#



CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.31 GHz

RAM: 128 GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI

storage: 4 SSD drives (including two M.2 flash drives) and two HDD drives

Windows system: 10 Home edition

Former user wrote on 6/30/2022, 4:12 AM

As long as it's not studio version, it's free, there should have been a registration page at download

I didn't think there were any license keys or activation for free version. Consider also old classics like Shutter encoder, it can also do batch transcoding, but by default it's encodes, like handbrake are not so easy to edit with in Vegas, at 720p or 640P shouldn't have a problem with AVC


EDIT: You must have downloaded the Studio version , it's the only one that's ever required a dongle

marcinzm wrote on 6/30/2022, 4:15 AM

I know what I did wrong. I installed Davinci Resolve 18 Studio, but I should installed Davinci Resolve 18 free edition. Now I see that Black Magix Proxy Generator is available for free, but I haven't tested it yet.

If you are bored, drink water, you will want to pee. -> Albert Einstein - my idol!

I am 42. I have been creating videos since 2009 (the date when my first daughter was born in). My first video software was Pinnacle, next one was Sony Vegas 8 (I am not sure if remember it correctly). I am also a developer and wedding movie operator and editor. For example: I have created an Android app which let me control Vegas Pro rendering progress level on Android smartphone. I created it for fun, because I also love programming. I also created my own plugin for Audio To Text feature specified usage from Vegas Pro 19. I created proxy creation plugin which uses multiple GPU threads (maximum 3) to create proxy files for Vegas Pro. I also written many others plugin/softwares which enhance my video editing, also wedding editing.

Camera/video camera: Sony FX3, Sony A7 III, Sony FDR AX 100, Canon 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero Black 7,8,9,10

Lenses for Sony: Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III , Sony 24mm gm 1.4 FE, Sony 20 mm G FE 1.8

Lenses for Canon: Canon EF 24-70 mm F/2.8 L USM, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L

Drone: DJI Mavic 3 & DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0


Editing: Vegas Pro 20 (365) with a lot of third party plugins, also my own plugins written in C#



CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.31 GHz

RAM: 128 GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI

storage: 4 SSD drives (including two M.2 flash drives) and two HDD drives

Windows system: 10 Home edition

3POINT wrote on 6/30/2022, 4:26 AM

@3POINT I have been using Vegas since Vegas Pro 9 or earlier. In the past when I had dynRAM larger than 0, it hangs my PC or crash Vegas. I don`t rememeber exactly what problem I had after setting dynRAM larger than 0. When I set dynRAM to 0, it didn't crash Vegas / didn't hang my PC. In the past I had also another PC, so I got used to set 0 in dynRAM. What value should I set in dynRAM when I had 128GB RAM? What does dynRAM value means?

I'm using Vegas since version 5 and have never had any issues when leaving dynRAM at default. In VP19 dynRAM is default 5% of installed RAM.

The only experience I have that setting dynRAM to 0 that it produces less smooth preview.

Last changed by 3POINT on 6/30/2022, 4:29 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

3POINT, Theo Houben, Vegasuser since version 5 and co-founder and moderator of the Dutch Vegasforum

Recware: DJI Osmo Pocket/Mavic Mini, GoproHero7Black, PanasonicFZ300/HCX909.

Software: Vegaspro365+Vegasaur, PowerDirector365, Davinci Resolve 19

Hardware: i910900k, 32GB, GTX2080super, 2x1920x1200 display

Playware: Samsung Qled QE65Q6FN, Philips 55PFL7108

Former user wrote on 6/30/2022, 4:55 AM

This is using media manager, which is an internal version of the proxy maker, but it produces optimized media of any resolution and format. It's rare you see 4K so smooth on Vegas use SO4 for both AVC and HEVC using BEST/FULL as preview


The problem is most media from cameras, screen recorders etc does not behave like this, it's computationally heavier.

@3POINT I've noticed the higher the dynamic ram setting the more GPU Vram is used, but i'm yet to see an obvious advantage with that

marcinzm wrote on 6/30/2022, 4:56 AM

@Former user I noticed that I have Blackmagic Proxy generator Lite installed. I see that it process only two files, even if the folder contains more than 2 video files. After processing these 2 video files, other files are unable to process. I don`t know if it is the issue of this app or maybe Lite version works in this way.

Proxy files was saved in mov format (but Vegas creates sfpv0 extensions) and when I processed 100p proxy mov files wasn't 100p.

Do you have knowledge about creating proxy files using ffmpeg encoder?

I like ffmpeg encoder and if I would know how to create proxy files using GPU or CPU in parallel mode I would be happy. Can you help me with creating proxy files using ffmpeg?

@3POINT Changing dynRAM to 5% or even 20% hasn't made Vegas to play the files fluently.

If you are bored, drink water, you will want to pee. -> Albert Einstein - my idol!

I am 42. I have been creating videos since 2009 (the date when my first daughter was born in). My first video software was Pinnacle, next one was Sony Vegas 8 (I am not sure if remember it correctly). I am also a developer and wedding movie operator and editor. For example: I have created an Android app which let me control Vegas Pro rendering progress level on Android smartphone. I created it for fun, because I also love programming. I also created my own plugin for Audio To Text feature specified usage from Vegas Pro 19. I created proxy creation plugin which uses multiple GPU threads (maximum 3) to create proxy files for Vegas Pro. I also written many others plugin/softwares which enhance my video editing, also wedding editing.

Camera/video camera: Sony FX3, Sony A7 III, Sony FDR AX 100, Canon 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero Black 7,8,9,10

Lenses for Sony: Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III , Sony 24mm gm 1.4 FE, Sony 20 mm G FE 1.8

Lenses for Canon: Canon EF 24-70 mm F/2.8 L USM, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L

Drone: DJI Mavic 3 & DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0


Editing: Vegas Pro 20 (365) with a lot of third party plugins, also my own plugins written in C#



CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.31 GHz

RAM: 128 GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI

storage: 4 SSD drives (including two M.2 flash drives) and two HDD drives

Windows system: 10 Home edition

Former user wrote on 6/30/2022, 5:04 AM

That doesn't sound great. Normally you replace the .mp4 part with .sfpv0 and place it with your original media with identical name. I don't use proxies in Vegas, but if it can't use .mov this is a waste of time, as is this lite version of proxy generator for your use.

marcinzm wrote on 6/30/2022, 5:07 AM

@Former user I don`t understand you :(. What is "SO4"? Do I need to change some settings in Vegas to get the result as you have in your video test? In this video you didn`t create proxy file - am I right? ... because you played the video file in Vegas Pro with "original source" setting.

Last changed by marcinzm on 6/30/2022, 5:07 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

If you are bored, drink water, you will want to pee. -> Albert Einstein - my idol!

I am 42. I have been creating videos since 2009 (the date when my first daughter was born in). My first video software was Pinnacle, next one was Sony Vegas 8 (I am not sure if remember it correctly). I am also a developer and wedding movie operator and editor. For example: I have created an Android app which let me control Vegas Pro rendering progress level on Android smartphone. I created it for fun, because I also love programming. I also created my own plugin for Audio To Text feature specified usage from Vegas Pro 19. I created proxy creation plugin which uses multiple GPU threads (maximum 3) to create proxy files for Vegas Pro. I also written many others plugin/softwares which enhance my video editing, also wedding editing.

Camera/video camera: Sony FX3, Sony A7 III, Sony FDR AX 100, Canon 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero Black 7,8,9,10

Lenses for Sony: Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III , Sony 24mm gm 1.4 FE, Sony 20 mm G FE 1.8

Lenses for Canon: Canon EF 24-70 mm F/2.8 L USM, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L

Drone: DJI Mavic 3 & DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0


Editing: Vegas Pro 20 (365) with a lot of third party plugins, also my own plugins written in C#



CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.31 GHz

RAM: 128 GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI

storage: 4 SSD drives (including two M.2 flash drives) and two HDD drives

Windows system: 10 Home edition

Former user wrote on 6/30/2022, 5:20 AM

SO4 is the Magix default GPU decoder, it replaced the older Sony decoder now called legacy.

I was demonstrating how well these encoded files play in Vegas at 4K60, so because of this should work well as 1080P proxies. Note though they were both 8bit, Vegas would have shown more lag with 10bit HEVC.

At this point I don't know if there's a compromise, and the file encoding type means it plays back very well in Vegas but is the quality lower. There has to be some reason the majority of camera files and screen recording files are more complex. Is it just about compression?

I don't know anything about command line ffmpeg. It would be very useful if someone could produce media that plays back this well using free transcoders. The 4K stuff I uploaded has a very short GOP, and it appears Vegas likes it

marcinzm wrote on 6/30/2022, 5:26 AM

@Former user

"SO4 is the Magix default GPU decoder, it replaced the older Sony decoder now called legacy."

How and where can I turn it on? Do I need to install it extra? Where can I download it?

If you are bored, drink water, you will want to pee. -> Albert Einstein - my idol!

I am 42. I have been creating videos since 2009 (the date when my first daughter was born in). My first video software was Pinnacle, next one was Sony Vegas 8 (I am not sure if remember it correctly). I am also a developer and wedding movie operator and editor. For example: I have created an Android app which let me control Vegas Pro rendering progress level on Android smartphone. I created it for fun, because I also love programming. I also created my own plugin for Audio To Text feature specified usage from Vegas Pro 19. I created proxy creation plugin which uses multiple GPU threads (maximum 3) to create proxy files for Vegas Pro. I also written many others plugin/softwares which enhance my video editing, also wedding editing.

Camera/video camera: Sony FX3, Sony A7 III, Sony FDR AX 100, Canon 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero Black 7,8,9,10

Lenses for Sony: Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III , Sony 24mm gm 1.4 FE, Sony 20 mm G FE 1.8

Lenses for Canon: Canon EF 24-70 mm F/2.8 L USM, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L

Drone: DJI Mavic 3 & DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0


Editing: Vegas Pro 20 (365) with a lot of third party plugins, also my own plugins written in C#



CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.31 GHz

RAM: 128 GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI

storage: 4 SSD drives (including two M.2 flash drives) and two HDD drives

Windows system: 10 Home edition

set wrote on 6/30/2022, 6:15 AM

Default installation of VP19 should already turn on this SO4.

Options>Preferences> File I/O:

Kept unchecked and it will using this so4.

Why 'SO4', because that's the decoder component file name: 'so4compoundplug.dll'.


Setiawan Kartawidjaja
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia (UTC+7 Time Area)

Personal FB | Personal IG | Personal YT Channel
Chungs Video FB | Chungs Video IG | Chungs Video YT Channel
Personal Portfolios YouTube Playlist
Pond5 page: My Stock Footage of Bandung city


System 5-2021:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz   2.90 GHz
Video Card1: Intel UHD Graphics 630 (Driver (Feb 1 2024 Release date))
Video Card2: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8GB GDDR6 (Driver Version 551.23 Studio Driver (Jan 24 2024 Release Date))
RAM: 32.0 GB
OS: Windows 10 Pro Version 22H2 OS Build 19045.3693
Drive OS: SSD 240GB
Drive Working: NVMe 1TB
Drive Storage: 4TB+2TB


System 2-2018:
ASUS ROG Strix Hero II GL504GM Gaming Laptop
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 8750H CPU @2.20GHz 2.21 GHz
Video Card 1: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 (Driver
Video Card 2: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5 VRAM (Driver Version 537.58)
OS: Win11 Home 64-bit Version 22H2 OS Build 22621.2428
Storage: M.2 NVMe PCIe 256GB SSD & 2.5" 5400rpm 1TB SSHD


* I don't work for VEGAS Creative Software Team. I'm just Voluntary Moderator in this forum.

marcinzm wrote on 6/30/2022, 7:10 AM

@set @Former user I already had this "Enable legacy AVC decoding" unchecked and just with this option unchecked I have issues with fluent playback.

If you are bored, drink water, you will want to pee. -> Albert Einstein - my idol!

I am 42. I have been creating videos since 2009 (the date when my first daughter was born in). My first video software was Pinnacle, next one was Sony Vegas 8 (I am not sure if remember it correctly). I am also a developer and wedding movie operator and editor. For example: I have created an Android app which let me control Vegas Pro rendering progress level on Android smartphone. I created it for fun, because I also love programming. I also created my own plugin for Audio To Text feature specified usage from Vegas Pro 19. I created proxy creation plugin which uses multiple GPU threads (maximum 3) to create proxy files for Vegas Pro. I also written many others plugin/softwares which enhance my video editing, also wedding editing.

Camera/video camera: Sony FX3, Sony A7 III, Sony FDR AX 100, Canon 5D Mark III, GoPro Hero Black 7,8,9,10

Lenses for Sony: Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III , Sony 24mm gm 1.4 FE, Sony 20 mm G FE 1.8

Lenses for Canon: Canon EF 24-70 mm F/2.8 L USM, Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L

Drone: DJI Mavic 3 & DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0


Editing: Vegas Pro 20 (365) with a lot of third party plugins, also my own plugins written in C#



CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz   3.31 GHz

RAM: 128 GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 TI

storage: 4 SSD drives (including two M.2 flash drives) and two HDD drives

Windows system: 10 Home edition

PacoDeCasa wrote on 3/9/2023, 7:23 AM

Here is an option for creating proxy files using ffmpeg, but I dont know if it works...