PS3 - $399 on Oct 10 - I'm getting one

Terje wrote on 10/6/2007, 2:56 AM
Well, the best home entertainment system just received another price drop. New box, with no PS2 compatibility (who cares) and a only 40G drive (who cares, I have all my media on my PC and can stream it over WIFi to the PS3) is to be released in October. At least in Europe. I assume it will be available in the US soon as well.

A $399 Blu-Ray player with excellent media center capabilities, and we can create AVCHD disks on our DVD burners no problem. This can't be anything but good news.


blink3times wrote on 10/6/2007, 4:59 AM
I've toyed with the idea... although if I get one it'll still be at least the 60gig drive. I really want to do some serious experimenting with avchd. However I'm still not keen on the idea of having a game console in my living room. The other thing that bothers me is the fan noise. I went to one of our local game stores and saw a demo of the PS3 and it sounds very much like a jet engine... and there is no throttling... it's on full all the time. One of the reasons I run liquid cool on my computer is that I HATE fan noise. Soooo.... I'm still considering a player at this point.

I understand that the BP 300 now plays BD-r which has prevented me from considering it in the past. But then on the other hand, there always seems to be SOME form of controversy around the players. October 31 is a big question mark, and we now have an issue over the BD+ system. Fox started producing movies on the new system and apparently it adds at least 2 minutes to movie load times... if the player can play it at all. The Samsung and LG in particular can't play these movies and now need some kind of FW update which hasn't been created yet. The blu ray goers are mad as hell at Fox and Fox in pointing the finger at the hardware manufacturers.... yadda, yadda.

The PS3 remains the most stable and reliable player... so it's a real conundrum for me!
TheHappyFriar wrote on 10/6/2007, 6:46 AM
Well, the best home entertainment system just received another price drop

the Wii hasn't dropped in price since it came out. Haven't read about one planned either. With it's [url=]sales[/i] I wouldn't expect it to. ;)
Laurence wrote on 10/6/2007, 7:11 AM
Remember that the PS3 also plays raw video files off of a thumbdrive or external hard drive. I'd go with the PS3.
Terje wrote on 10/6/2007, 8:03 AM
although if I get one it'll still be at least the 60gig drive.

I don't really care that much about the size of the HD in the PS3. As I said, if I want to run anything, I'll run it over the WiFi connection from my PC, or if that proves too slow, wire it up and run it over a 100M ethernet connection.

Of course, one day the HD might be a bit small if there is anything I want to do, but I have two USB2 powered 80G HDs lying around the house, used them for my laptop, so adding another 80G or more to the PS3 is not going to be a problem.
apit34356 wrote on 10/6/2007, 9:39 AM
terje, I-my family, own two PS3s with no noise problems, and the current/new Halo X360 is working now too. A few display models have noise fans, but out of the current owners of the PS3s, I know none that are having problems, and I run into a lot of UM engineering students with PS3s every weekend. So, forum noise does not track with my real experience.
SHTUNOT wrote on 10/6/2007, 4:58 PM
Just want to add that I own a 60 gig PS3 and I have had had no noise issue at all. VERY quiet compared to my friends 360. I would check it out. I love it.

TheHappyFriar wrote on 10/6/2007, 9:45 PM
I don't really care that much about the size of the HD in the PS3. As I said, if I want to run anything, I'll run it over the WiFi connection from my PC, or if that proves too slow, wire it up and run it over a 100M ethernet connection.

Here's software that lets you do that:

it's pretty cool, you basically just setup a server & run the data from a computer. I was impressed by the Wii one & from what I understand the PS3 one lets you do HD (not 100% sure though, so test it yourself).