
smhontz wrote on 4/25/2005, 9:54 AM
We bought two from B & H Photo Video. ( No problems, good price.
je@on wrote on 4/25/2005, 9:56 AM
B&H is reliable. Also check out
jlafferty wrote on 4/25/2005, 10:05 AM
The only and best:
johnmeyer wrote on 4/25/2005, 12:01 PM
B&H Photo is the only place I use.
Jimmy_W wrote on 4/25/2005, 12:43 PM
B&H Photo hands down
David_Kuznicki wrote on 4/25/2005, 12:54 PM
I also go through B&H and/or EVS. I've had nothing but perfect experiences with both.

I also think Markertek sells cameras, but I've only ever bought cables & audio gear from them. If they do sell cameras, I'd call them too! Top notch people!

GregFlowers wrote on 4/25/2005, 2:05 PM
I've purchased from They have full USA warranty and good customer reviews. I purchased my VX2000 and FX1 from them with no problems at all. They have the 2100 for $2188 currently. B&H photo is extremely good like everyone else said.
craftech wrote on 4/25/2005, 6:09 PM
Vanns is an excellent authorized Sony dealer. No tax and the shipping is free. 30 days exchange policy. 14 days return. They price match within reason.

RalphM wrote on 4/25/2005, 8:03 PM
I don't mean to minimize the extra cost, but B&H's price for the FX1 is about $900 more than the VX2100.

While you may not have a need for HDV at this time, the FX1 has true 16:9 chips and can do SD very well. I keep wondering if I should sell one of my VX2000's and start a fund for the FX1.....
GregFlowers wrote on 4/25/2005, 9:14 PM
I agree with you Ralph. I have a VX2000 and an FX1. I personally would either save the extra money and buy the FX1 or buy a good used VX2000 for cheap. The picture quality is supposed to be almost as good as the 2100. They can be had for under $1500 easily. The FX1 is similar in quality to the VX2000 in DV mode (except the FX1 is true widescreen) and is vastly better in HDV mode. It is more professional looking. Even if you don't need HDV now it is still an excellent DV camera and you could use HDV as a "selling point" perhaps. That just my opinion though. The 2100 is an excellent camera for the price if new is a must.
craftech wrote on 4/26/2005, 5:04 AM
Neeman media has the HDR-FX1 for $3099.95. Their service has improved considerably since they consolodated locations.
There are reviews here and here.

John_Cline wrote on 4/26/2005, 7:26 AM
Neeman Media is listed at, but doesn't have a single entry in their database. I tend to shy away from anyplace that has camcorders for considerably less than the authorized dealers and I don't see any mention on Neeman's web site that they are a Sony authorized dealer.

I also noticed on their FX1 page that it comes with a "Full U.S.A Warrenty." I would rather have the "Full U.S.A. Warranty." :)

craftech wrote on 4/26/2005, 5:24 PM
Neeman Media is listed at, but doesn't have a single entry in their database. I tend to shy away from anyplace that has camcorders for considerably less than the authorized dealers and I don't see any mention on Neeman's web site that they are a Sony authorized dealer.

I also noticed on their FX1 page that it comes with a "Full U.S.A Warrenty." I would rather have the "Full U.S.A. Warranty." :)

I use resellerratings all the time as well. In this case they are 3 miles from me so I can vouch for them as I have dealt with them for several years.
Or I wouldn't have recommended them.
