I want to put a picture as a backdrop for the credit roll at the end of a bands live disc. I had to lower the opacity no matter what I had on to p of the other to get both to show through. The pic and the text both were faded when doing that. Is there a way to do this without losing the full effect of the pic and text.
I think you may need to use an additional video track for this.
Experiment with that in a new "save as...'" project file and then read up on the Help files.
(I need to learn this soon also for some work I plan to do.)
Hopefully someone more experienced can chime in with a definitive answer.
Also on the Creative Cow site there are good tutorials.
Right click on your pic add new video track and put the text on top in new track Rory, this was suggested above. But the real "Gotcha" is that the SONY Credit Roll HAS an opaque BG as default. So what we also need to do is to go into the SONY Credit Roll and go "Styles" and set the BG as transparent. That was also said above.
Leslie mine too. But, and this sounds like the issue our friend was having and that he choose the DEFAULT, then he would be left WITH an opaque BG. But I kinda think you knew/realised that too, Leslie?
So pleased you got the . .er . . "GOTCHA" Rory. So easy to overlook previous posts - any time I can assist Rory, and if I know something I'll attempt to chip in.