Random. Extremely Loud sudden Audio distortion bug.

Hand wrote on 10/14/2022, 7:11 AM

Vegas pro 19.
windows 10.
32 GB's of ram
intel vore i7-7700 cpu
Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660

I render videos at night while the computer isn't used with a sleep timer set.

this image shows an example of this happening.




before I hit render while editing away audio clips I will randomly notice an extra bit of sound added onto them....
like a recent sound that played jumps onto them.

the orange clip on the end for example will randomly pickup an extra sound
if i open it in audio editor its not there

but back in the vegas its still visibly there and i can hear it if i play that part but if i save and quit then come back its gone or sometimes it goes away on its own. almost like part of a sound being stored in RAM or something is finding its way onto this file...

But then the main issue..

sometimes.... I'd render a full video in a standard setting Sony AVC/MVC Internet 1920x1080-60p
and as you'll see on the image to the right. its got a block of extremely loud distorted audio that would play for a split second.

its enough to jumpscare someone because its so all of a sudden and loud.

a really loud sound that once scared the life out a client/friend who i sent a video to... and it would of been funny if i was going for that. but i wasn't and to be honest it was embarrassing since the video was about 40 minutes long and I missed it. had to render it 3-4 more times before I sliced enough of the audio out this took about 1 hour each time rendering.... :/

anyone know whats causing this? or how to prevent it?

its not the first time its happened.
I'd like to get it solved since its extra time i gotta spend re-rendering videos. almost like im rolling a dice and hoping this bug doesn't happen again on a video i've spent days recording and editing as is.

the sound files and sound effects I use are mp3 and wav standard enough bitrate 48000

one other thing I felt might be important to note.

the orange file IS an mp4. I used that shortkey key U to separate the audio from a video track.
I'll try saving it as a .wav and re-rendering it.

but the main thing i wanna stress is this issue didn't happen with older vegas pro builds. vegas 18 and lower

only reason i upgraded was because older versions suddenly didn't want to render videos anymore after using them for many years and someone on the forum suggested me to upgrade which fixed the problem but now i got this one.


Former user wrote on 10/14/2022, 11:07 AM

@Hand Hi, there's been a few posts about this, some get noise at the end of a clip & some get a bit of the audio from earlier in the clip. I've had noise at the end of my clips, sometimes it goes away by itself or sometimes reloading the clip fixes it,

There's been a few suggestions as to why this happens, using mp3's is one but as far as i now there's no solid reason or solution, I think the hardest bit is trying to recreate it in order to diagnose it, different media, different machines, one clip might do it this time but not the next time 🤷‍♂️

Hand wrote on 10/14/2022, 11:33 AM

Thanks for the reply @Former user it happened 3 different times then stopped when i manually made them all into wav's. :/

I did render the clip i wanted so thats dealt with this time, but thats really a pain. to have to remember not to use mp3's or audio off of mp4's have to only use .wavs otherwise random loud jank audio will come out of this video editing software.

its Tragic honestly. what should have been 45 minutes to render a simple few edits turns into a 4 hour re-rendering guessing game. its something that should only ever happen with old programs. not the other way around.

its nothing against you. btw. I just wanted to vent the frustration and time loss from using this software.

diverG wrote on 10/14/2022, 11:52 AM

Maybe simply not use .MP3, just convert to .wav before adding to your project. No idea what audio software you have but 'audacity' free will do the job

Sys 1 Gig Z370-HD3, i7 8086K @ 5.0 Ghz 16gb ram, 250gb SSD, 2x2Tb hd,  GTX 4060 8Gb, BMIP4k video out. (PS 750W); Vegas 18 & 19 plus Edius 8WG DVResolve18 Studio. Win 10 Pro (22H2) Bld 19045.2311

Sys 2 Gig Z170-HD3, i7 6700K @ 3.8Ghz 16gb ram, 250gb SSD, 2x2Tb, hdd GTX 1060 6Gb, BMIP4k video out. (PS 650W) Vegas 18 plus Edius 8WG DVResolve18 Studio Win 10 Pro (22H2) Bld 19045.2311

Sys 3 Laptop 'Clevo' i7 6700K @ 3.0ghz, 16gb ram, 250gb SSd + 2Tb hdd,   nvidia 940 M graphics. VP17, Plus Edius 8WG Win 10 Pro (20H2) Resolve18


Hand wrote on 10/14/2022, 12:28 PM

thats one option @diverG I'm just bitter because i never had to do this with the old versions but when i drop extra cash to buy the current modern and updated one. this happens.

I use WavePad Audio Editor also. it does a decent job.

Former user wrote on 10/14/2022, 5:56 PM

Thanks for the reply @Former user it happened 3 different times then stopped when i manually made them all into wav's. :/

I did render the clip i wanted so thats dealt with this time, but thats really a pain. to have to remember not to use mp3's or audio off of mp4's have to only use .wavs otherwise random loud jank audio will come out of this video editing software.

I see the AVC audio glitch (aac) most often when cutting a clip of a person speaking mid sentence using a 2 frame blend into next clip. What triggers it is perfecting the cut for most natural transition, this could mean re-cutting and playing multiple times, and just as it is perfected Vegas goes and sticks in an audio glitch destroying the work I just did. Also as you say the glitch can also not exist on your last timeline playback but is created in render, making it impossible to QC.

I hope this is fixed in VP20 update1


its Tragic honestly. what should have been 45 minutes to render a simple few edits turns into a 4 hour re-rendering guessing game. its something that should only ever happen with old programs. not the other way around.

Yes I just start laughing when something that should take literally 2 minutes ends up taking 20+minutes and all i'm doing is pancrop, possibly a speed change, and some cuts for a 40 second video. And sometimes the solution is to use Resolve, the irony being I use Vegas for fast editing

only reason i upgraded was because older versions suddenly didn't want to render videos anymore after using them for many years and someone on the forum suggested me to upgrade which fixed the problem but now i got this one.

I can understand new features having bugs like the updated OFX, but how is it possible to introduce a bug like this with the most basic thing possible an NLE can do, cutting a audio/video track, and then not detect and fix it with the next build.

Former user wrote on 10/14/2022, 6:01 PM

@Hand BTW. I don't use mp3's but i do get this audio glitch 🤷‍♂️

Former user wrote on 10/15/2022, 10:32 PM

edit: Thought I found a strange fix, but it's not



Hand wrote on 10/17/2022, 8:12 AM

edit: Thought I found a strange fix, but it's not



no worries. the fix im using atm is turning the offending sound file into a .wav with wavepad sound editor.

its going a little out of my way and its something im gonna have to remember so i hope the devs of this program can fix this issue

JMacSTL wrote on 10/31/2022, 11:10 AM

I have gotten a noise burst like this in the past, even with WAV files, but after investigating, it's always been a file corruption issue, and after re-copying or re-downloading the file, the issue is gone. I almost always ONLY use WAV file, so yeah, I convert them from whatever they were (mp3, aac, m4a, etc) in order for Vegas to not have to deal with decompressing, and recompressing too many things at once, even when rendering.

Also, @Hand even tho your system looks solid, are you placing your audio and video files on your system drive (boot drive c:)? If so, I advise people to never put any media on your boot/system drive. I highly suggest to use two separate drives; one for video, one for audio. I'm about to buy a bunch of SSDs and replace my SATA hard drives, in fact.

jmm in stl

Windows10 with Vegas 11 Pro (most recent build). Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 3.90 GHz, 32GB ram, separate audio and video disks. Also Vegas 17 Pro on same system. GPU: NVDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER. Dynamic RAM preview=OFF.

DMetz wrote on 11/28/2022, 12:12 PM

I have the same problem as Hand but all I have ever used is Vegas Pro 16. I have only experienced it on WAV files but will try other audio formats soon. It started happening maybe 4 months ago but I have been using Vegas Pro 16 for 3 or 4 years. The loud audio distortion only happens on short 10 second clips. In fact, it almost always happens on these short clips but it never, never happens on my long clips--from 35 to 95 minutes. Sometimes it is not loud distortion but the audio totally cuts out at a certain point. The files always play fine in other programs. I reinstalled Vegas Pro 16 3 times but that did nothing. I was going to wipe out my whole computer and reinstall everything. Does anybody have any other ideas on what else to try?

DMetz wrote on 11/29/2022, 11:35 AM

Okay, I tried converting the short WAV audio clips into FLAC files using another audio editing program called Reaper. I imported them back into VEGAS Pro 16 and they have worked perfectly for me every time--though this is only over a two day period. Before, all those WAV clips seem to mess up 95% of the time or more. So, I think converting them is the trick. The FLAC files work great for me and they are very high quality.

rraud wrote on 11/29/2022, 5:10 PM

It is strange that wave files are causing a problem, Wave file are typically, I have encountered non-PCM wave files, but it is extremely rare. 'Save as' new wave file in Reaper and try that in Vegas. Generally speaking, lossy file types are avoided in the editing stage.

Hand wrote on 12/1/2022, 6:26 AM

found a fix.

had to restore my pc.

and i've gone back to an older version. which NEVER gave me these kinds of problems. Ever.
using this modern and up to date version was a serious waste of time.

sure theres a chance the restore might have fixed the problem.

but honestly, I've wasted enough time with vegas 19 and this problem of having to re-render videos over and over because the moder and up to date vegas pro doesn't like these audio files is a joke.

I was sold on the idea that upgrade from vegas 18 to vegas 19 would fix my render issues but it only lead to more issues.

KritikalBrasil wrote on 2/24/2023, 4:40 AM

essa é uma opção @diverG Estou apenas chateado porque nunca tive que fazer isso com as versões antigas, mas quando gasto dinheiro extra para comprar o atual, moderno e atualizado. isso acontece.

Eu também uso o WavePad Audio Editor. faz um trabalho decente.

I'm using vegas 20 and the error happens too, I've already lost several hours in projects because of this error, I'm upset about buying an original version, paying a lot and not having any support from the MAGIX team

itsFreebs wrote on 2/26/2023, 3:11 PM

essa é uma opção @diverG Estou apenas chateado porque nunca tive que fazer isso com as versões antigas, mas quando gasto dinheiro extra para comprar o atual, moderno e atualizado. isso acontece.

Eu também uso o WavePad Audio Editor. faz um trabalho decente.

I'm using vegas 20 and the error happens too, I've already lost several hours in projects because of this error, I'm upset about buying an original version, paying a lot and not having any support from the MAGIX team

I'm having the same problem. Have you found a solution, Kritika?