One small thing that gets in the way is when the velocity envelope is set. No matter how deep I make the track I can only access the envelope menu over the transition bar if the velocity is close to or on 100%. The only way round this seems to be to change the velocity while I copy the tansition and back again. This seems a little odd to have to do.
Another, but slightly related point it would be nice if there was a way to fix the movement of the velocity points (particularly in the x direction) as when you move them left or right the slightest jerk and the velocity is altered causing you to have to enter the amount directly again or by moving the point up/down which isn't very acurate unless you deepen the track.
>>it would be nice if there was a way to fix the movement of the velocity points (particularly in the x direction) as when you move them left or right the slightest jerk and the velocity is altered causing you to have to enter the amount directly again or by moving the point up/down which isn't very acurate unless you deepen the track.<<
Try holding the mouse button when you click on the node. Then use the numeric 8/2 and 1/3 keys to move the node up/down or left/right.