
saff wrote on 4/19/2000, 10:52 AM
Erich --

I love my external Quantum Atlas III 9GB 7200RPM SCSI drive. Had it
placed in an external case (at a great price) at


Erich Grube wrote:
>>Anyone recommend a good external SCSI drive? I'm running
>>VP under NT4.0 on a Micron Millenia, pII 450. I want the
>>external unit so I can take my drive to a local studio
>>that's running VP and track there then bring the drive and
>>project home w/me.
MacMoney wrote on 4/19/2000, 9:26 PM
Hi Erich
We are using a Adaptec 29160 Ultra 160 SCSI card because you can
connect up to 30 devices ( 15 Ultra 160 and 15 Ultra SCSI-2).The
Ultra 160 has a transfer rate up to 160 mb per sec, This is what you
want for AV.And the Ultra SCSI-2 from 20-80 mb per sec,we run our
CDR's, CD roms and DVD Ram on this.All of our recording and playback
drives Seagate Ultra SCSI 160 Cheetah's,They are the fastest drives
out.But this is the most costly system.If I had to do it over? I'd
buy it all over again,Please shop around, good deals are out
there.Good luck,I hope this helps
George ware
Mac Money Studio

Erich Grube wrote:
>>Anyone recommend a good external SCSI drive? I'm running
>>VP under NT4.0 on a Micron Millenia, pII 450. I want the
>>external unit so I can take my drive to a local studio
>>that's running VP and track there then bring the drive and
>>project home w/me.